All Of Me Is All For You

96 2 0

Author - veridiae
Word Count - 6.2K

In hindsight, Jeongguk should've known Taehyung was up to something as soon as Taehyung hadn't really protested against Jeongguk leaving as much as he'd expected him to. Which was a lot, Taehyung always grumbling when Jeongguk went away for longer than a week, which hadn't been the case this time. What made him suspicious this time around was that Taehyung had even encouraged Jeongguk to go.

He'd been away from their apartment for little under two months now, going overseas for a project of his professor, for whom he had been TA-ing for while taehyung continued attending uni from their flat back home (Jeongguk's heart still flutters at that.)

He had been hesitant about going, leaving his boyfriend alone for over a week was already hard on them and most evenings were spent falling asleep on the phone and exchanging kisses through pixelated webcams, though luckily enough they both had no problems with skype sex and neither so with sexting. Taehyung called it 'the pro's of being nasty' and that only like this a relationship over distance could flourish.

But while it had been interesting, he was glad to be back soon, already packing his stuff into the suitcase when he feels his phone vibrate against his thigh.

Taehyung (11:34)

ahhhh cant wait to see you!!!!

i have a gift for you :-))) ;-)

Jeongguk sighs, a smile playing around his lips faced with his cute boyfriend, rose up from where his stuff was spread out on the floor and laid down on the comforter before replying.

Jeongguk (11:34)

me too baby, cant wait to feel u again

Jeongguk (11:35)

also i want ramen as soon as i get back baby

cant evn see a kfc without becoming sick rn

Taehyung (11:37)

listen i was alrdy getting my pants down bc i thought u wanted to initiate some last minute sexting sexy times but now u made this abt chicken??? #hurt

Jeongguk (11:38)

tbh just u sayin u let ur pants down made me immediately interested again

Taehyung (11:39)

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