Salvador Dali's Vanilla Americanos And Great Masturbators

122 1 0

Author - soecrates
Word Count - 11.4K

"I don't even know," Jungkook mused, propping a grape into his mouth and chewing on it thoughtfully. "Does he think he's being subtle?"

"Just how subtle can you be with a camera that noisy?" his friend, Yoongi, snorted. "He's full on taking a photo shoot, Jeon," he mocked the younger, smirk tugging at his lips. It complimented the dark of his eyes and hair, that dark expression. "You have a not-so-secret admirer."

"I'm not sure if it bothers me anymore," Jungkook mumbled. It had been so long since he'd noticed the other man taking pictures of him, sometimes trailing not so far behind as he walked around campus -- whether he was headed for class or just roaming around for a comfortable place to sit and eat his lunch. The man's camera was familiar to Jungkook now, its faint 'click' engraved into his head in a way that he no longer twitched when his ears registered the noise.

Yoongi followed his gaze to his right -- Jungkook's left since he was sitting across from the elder on the bench. He hummed, pout decorating his plump lips. "I gotta admit, I'm growing fond of the kid."

"Huh," Jungkook began, "he is quite quirky."

The man must have noticed them noticing him, for he lowered his camera and cocked his head to the side, as if curious as to why they would ever look his way, whether accidental or not. Which was stupid, in all honesty, because, although Jungkook hadn't ever seen the other man around before he'd become conscious of his constant stalking, now that he was aware of him, it was impossible not to look each time he got the chance.

He was just so different, for starters, peculiar. Extravagant. His choice of clothing was only one aspect that led Jungkook to believe that, however. Despite the other man's favoritism for sheer shirts and dad jeans, all topped off by a pair of platform shoes, it was the way he carried himself that had Jungkook thinking of him as nothing other than queer. He just walked so gracefully, long legs confident in their stride and chin held high. He walked as if he knew how strange he was, and embraced it, was proud of it.

Needless to say, Jungkook had sprouted some curiosity for the man behind the camera lens.

"That's one way to put it," Yoongi commented, yanking Jungkook out of his thoughts but not startling him enough to look away from the other man. Jungkook watched as he slowly rose the camera back up to eye level. He stared directly at the lense the best he could from this far away -- a few feet apart from the tree the man was leaning against.

When the man lowered the camera once again, he was smiling. His eyes met Jungkook's, and for a moment, the latter felt his cheeks go warm at the amusement in the other man's gaze.

He looked away and planted his hands on the wooden table, standing up. "Shall we go, then?"

Sometimes Jungkook wondered if he should just confront him about it. Walk up to him and straight up demand he tell him why the fuck he's been following him around campus for the past month or so, taking pictures of him. Did he know he was being rude? Intrusive, perhaps?

Jungkook really would not have minded it if he'd been asked for permission -- really, he would most likely have said yes. Most likely.

But the thing was Jungkook did not mind it one bit, that he hadn't been asked. He sort of selfishly enjoyed the attention he was being given. It was just a subtle feeling of importance that he felt when he heard that 'click' go off somewhere behind him, somewhere to his left, his right. He felt recognized, and it was doing nice things for his confidence.

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