Are You Really Gonna Stand There And Stare At Me?

151 5 0

Author/ nyxphrodites
Word Count/ 4.9K

Sometimes God puts you in a situation wherein you start to wonder what it was that you did to warrant your current predicament. Picture one Kim Taehyung, stepping into his apartment an hour earlier than he usually does on Wednesday nights because of a canceled class. Picture him throwing his book bag with his shoes at the corner of the hallway, taking off his jacket and hanging it up on the designated hook. Now picture him walk through the living room to get to his bedroom only to be stopped by what sounds like a high pitched whine coming from his roommate's room.

Taehyung stops dead in his tracks. Pauses takes a deep breath and tries to listen again just to see if what he heard was right. Picture him as an animal out in the wild, moving his ears to try to listen for any predators only there are no predators. Just Jeon Jeongguk, his roommate who albeit being a bit cold and not speaking much, Taehyung likes. Jeongguk's so handsome and Taehyung thinks his cold persona might just be a front to hide his shy nature. They've only been living together for a few weeks, what with the new semester starting not too long ago but there have been instances where Taehyung will strike up a conversation with the other guy, catching him by surprise and he looks like a deer caught in the headlights. He'll indulge Taehyung, he's not rude or mean or anything, but he also isn't overly enthusiastic or enthusiastic at all actually. Some days he's seemingly happier than others and Taehyung will choose those days to try and get to know Jeongguk. So far it's worked but they're still nowhere near being actual friends.

Taehyung doesn't know too much about what Jeongguk does in his free time either but, now, at this moment, he thinks he's getting an idea of what it might be. Another loud moan comes through the wooden door just down the hall and Taehyung feels himself flush. It's, well it's kind of awkward if he's being honest, but the sounds make something stir inside of him. He tries so hard not to be a creep, give Jeongguk his privacy because maybe he even has another person in there with him, a very quiet person, which he doubts.

This time the sound that comes through the door is loud and whiny sounds so needy, and it shoots through Taehyung's body straight down to his cock.


He's officially a creep. A bad, bad person who is listening in on his roommate jerking off. And he knows all about needing some time to destress and just be with yourself, heck he finds himself with a hand down his pants many times. Like that one time, he'd accidentally stumbled in on Jeongguk right after a shower, towel hanging off of his impossibly small waist. The shoulders on that boy were wide and his back was threaded with muscles but his waist, fuck, his waist was pretty and thin. Taehyung had wanted to so badly place his hands on Jeongguk's waist and pull him closer, back to his chest.

When Jeongguk lets out a string of curses and then a drawn out moan, Taehyung's mouth goes dry. He thinks he just heard Jeongguk come though he can't be too sure. The sound seemed desperate and it was louder than the others. So maybe.


He reroutes back to the living room, finding himself in the kitchen as it's the room furthest from Jeongguk's bedroom just so he doesn't feel like a perverted creep, listening in on his roommate's self-love session. But his body is hot all over, breath coming out shallow.

He's not hard. He's not.

But he damn near hardens when the first thing he sees when he raises his eyes is Jeongguk in the kitchen doorway, wearing nothing but a pair of incredibly ripped jeans on top of a pair of fishnets, small waist accentuated by the waistline. His chest is glistening with sweat, or other bodily fluids, Taehyung's brain adds not a bit helpful.

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