You Belong With Me

153 5 0

Author / SevenSoulmates
Word Count / 17.1K

The sun had long since set on that day. Taehyung was laying on his bed fiddling with his stuffed Kermit the Frog that Jungkook had given him for his ninth birthday. It was a really hot night that night, summer had come to an end but the rain was still warm and sticky and the air so thick that it was hard to breathe.  Because of this, Taehyung had his window open, letting in the warm pinks and yellows of the sun putting itself to bed for that night. Taehyung always had his curtains open so that he could see out his window, but only sometimes did he open the window.

Tonight was one of those nights and his neighbor must have had the same thoughts as he did on the heat as Taehyung could clearly hear the voice of his best friend since he was eight years old floating through the air. He was talking to someone on the phone. And he sounded really irritated.

"No, that's not what I meant--" Taehyung heard Jungkook trying to explain to the person on the other end. His voice was cut off with a frustrated sigh and Taehyung could picture the defeated expression on Jungkook's face as he was clearly trying to win some sort of argument.

"Yujin, it was a joke," Jungkook huffs. This peaks Taehyung's interest. So, it was Yujin Jungkook was talking to. Jungkook's girlfriend of one and a half years. Why were they arguing about a joke? That was the stupidest thing to get angry about. Taehyung heaved himself up off his bed and edged himself over to the side, where his body, sitting criss-cross applesauce could be completely seen through the window.

On the other side of the window, through the glass, past the small trees that grew in the pathway between their homes and through the other window, was Jungkook. He was pacing back and forth, the phone in his hand pressed firmly against his ears as he continued to try to explain to Yujin how she was overreacting. His hand was pinching the bridge of his nose and Taehyung could tell something was wrong.

"No, no you're not listening to me," Jungkook thrusts his hand away from his face as he turns around and finally notices Taehyung looking at him through the window. This was a common occurance so Jungkook didn't really have any sort of visible reaction to the knowledge that Taehyung was listening. Instead he continued to talk on the phone as Taehyung listened in.

They were best friends. Had been for years. Jungkook didn't care if Taehyung watched him through his window as the boys had been doing that since forever. Back when they didn't have cell phones they used pieces of paper to write down words and communicate through the windows. They would write short messages back and forth until they ran out of paper or it was time to go to bed. Nowadays, they just stuck to texting although it was a tradition to sit at the foot of their beds and look at each other out of their windows so that they could actually see each other and their reactions to whatever it was that they messaged.

"I'm sorry okay?" Jungkook sighs, giving up, "Can we please just not fight? I hate it when we fight."

The other line is quiet for a while and Taehyung knows that Jungkook's girlfriend must be calming down.

"Okay, yeah," Jungkook murmurs, "I love you too."

Taehyung had gotten used to overhearing Jungkook and Yujin fight, but every time they did, they always made up at the end, even if it wasn't sincere. And every time Taehyung heard Jungkook mutter those words to her, he couldn't help but flinch as if someone had kicked his puppy. Taehyung had lived with this for a while now. He should be used to it. But he never got over the way those two called each other their pet names or said 'I love you' because every time Taehyung heard those words escape Jungkook's lips, all he could think about was that they would never be directed towards him.

-ˏˋ TAEKOOK | FAVORITES ˎˊ-Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu