“And am I going to be the one to train him?” Yoongi asked, glancing at Jimin again before looking back at his hyung.

“Unfortunately, yes, that honour falls upon your small shoulders. You've been working here the longest, so you know your way around.” Jin nudged Yoongi a bit. “Speaking of which, shouldn't you be working at this very moment?”

“Taking a break for prayer,” he said, closing his eyes, before Jin promptly pushed him off. Yoongi grinned and landed on his feet like an agile cat.

“You already used that excuse. I believe it was when I caught you napping on the bags of flour?” Jin crossed his arms over his chest, and Yoongi only smirked before shrugging his shoulders.

“My religion requires lots of rest, “ He looked over at Jimin. “When do you start?”

“Jin-hyung said tomorrow after school I start with training.” Jimin's eyes shone hopefully, as if the venture excited him. Which it probably did, judging from how serious he looked about the whole ordeal. “I work every week day except Wednesdays, because then I have dance class.”

“Dance, huh. You should teach Jin and Namjoon. They're both lost causes.” Yoongi ducked to avoid the playful punch Jin threw his way, and Jin couldn't help but chuckle.

“He's a jerk, but you get used to it. Go on, kid. See you tomorrow. And congrats on the job.” Jin and Jimin both stood up, and Jimin shook Jin's hand profoundly, smiling widely.

“Thank you so so SO much hyung! I won't let you down! I appreciate the opportunity so much!” Jimin then turned to Yoongi and did a small bow. “And thank you for being willing to teach me, hyung.” Yoongi lifted his hand and waved it, turning his face away, appearing nonchalant about the whole ordeal.

“Whatever, I just hope that a certain someone gives me a bonus for doing this, cuz it ain't on our contract,” Yoongi turned to Jimin and his gaze softened. The kid was seriously cute.

Jimin smiled widely and grabbed his backpack. “See you two tomorrow!” He said before heading out, immediately taking his phone out, no doubt to call his friends to tell them the news. Yoongi and Jin watched as Jimin exited the café with a huge smile plastered on his face.

“You hired him on purpose didn't you?” Yoongi questioned, not breaking his gaze from the outside world. “Because he's so cute and painfully positive.”

“Maybe,” Jin admitted with a shrug of his shoulders. Yoongi looked at Jin and he could basically see the wheels turn in his hyung's head. “He's really got a good résumé, though. And my options were extremely limited, okay?” Jin tried to defend himself, but Yoongi could see past his hyung's excuses.

This isn't the first time Jin tried to set Yoongi up with someone. Time and time again, Jin would introduce him to new people, to his friends, but it seemed like Yoongi was trying extra hard to put the people off. No one stuck around, but Yoongi thought it to be for the best. He would be extra sassy, extra salty, extra mean, just to scare them off, because Min Yoongi only loves two people in this world: Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin, his two best friends, his brothers. Other them then, Yoongi was not only scared to love anyone else but he's scared to hurt someone else. He knows himself, and he knows the battle he's fighting and no matter what, he will inevitably hurt whoever (somehow) learns to love him. He was actually protecting the people he was pushing away.

“So I'm allowed to fuck him in your office?” Yoongi grinned and he could practically hear the voice in Jin's voice as Jin counted down from ten in his head to calm himself.

“No one fucks in this restaurant!”

“Except you and Namjoon, right?”

“THAT WAS ONCE! And it was to christen the restaurant!”

“What you two were doing was anything but holy,” Yoongi snorted, retying the strings of his apron. “So, I guess no extra shifts available for me?”

Jin snapped his fingers and looked at his work calender. “Shit, no sorry, but I think Namjoon said that you could help in his book store when you have off? Ask him tonight.” 

Yoongi nodded and exited, going to greet customers at the door.

As he went about work that day, staying on his feet and staying busy, he started to realize something.

The itching. It was slowly coming back. In his finger tips. The burning in his nose was also coming back. Well, it's the feelings he faces on a daily base, so it's nothing new to him. It's gotten better over the past months, which is good and all, but as he was busy making coffee for a customer, he couldn't help but wonder,

“Wait, when did the feeling disappear in the first place?”

I just started a new book that'll include all the poetry that is based on this story! Written mostly from Yoongi's pov! Check it out please!

Addicted | Yoonmin✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora