Chapter eight - unwanted visitors and storms

Start from the beginning

I changed into my workout clothes and grabbed my boxing gloves, knowing that's the only thing that will calm me down

So much for a relaxing evening

Luckily my hair were already in braids so it wasn't in my face while I threw punches at the bag

The door opened and footsteps were the only other noise apart from the hits and my heavy breathing

"Your bodies too tense, anyone could take you down even a beginner" Graysons voice echoes and I look over to see him walking towards me with his arms crossed

I stop and cross my arms facing him "where's the wicked witch of the west? Outside?"

"She's gone home"

I nod

"Why do you let her rile you up so much?" He asks putting on some deflecting pads and getting into the ring

I mimic his actions and he puts his hands up and I start punching them

"She pisses me off" I say in between breaths "everything I do she does, if I tie my hair up high, she'll tie it up higher. She looks exactly like me"

"Not exactly" he says "you don't feel the need to cake yourself in makeup, even if you still look good in it"

I smirk "you've been complimenting me a lot lately, what's next flirting"

He rolls his eyes "don't flatter yourself, you're still ugly"

"Thanks babe" my smirk doesn't falter "you forgot to mention the fact that even though she has a nice body, it's not as nice as mine. As my boyfriend you should notice" I wink and stop throwing punches

"Probably because I haven't seen you naked" He retorts smirking "yet"

"I'd forget about the last part" I look up at him

"You know you won't be able to resist me forever sweetheart"

I'm woken up in the middle of the night to the sound of thunder and the heavy rain hitting the window

I sit up on the bed and look out the window surprised by the sudden bad weather, I always loved the rain something about it made me feel relaxed and I loved the clothes you could wear in it or the way that by the time you got to your car you were saturated and your hair looks freshly washed

I'm on my way back from the bathroom when I notice my roommate isn't in his bed

I grab my water bottle and before I get back to my bed the door opens. I look back to see Grayson walking in, his shirt and shorts stuck to him because of the rain

"What are you doing up?" He freezes when he notices me

"The rain woke me" I say and sit on my bed "what are you doing sneaking around at-" I check my phone "4:30"

I stands there dumbfounded "I hade to pick Wesley and Ross up from a party, the idiots got drunk"

I nod not believing him

My eyes zoom in on a bruise forming on his cheekbone - one that I didn't cause ... for once

"What happened your face?"

"Drunk idiots at a party... what do you expect"

I nod pretending to believe him

My phone beeps and I pick mine up while Grayson goes to change

It was a message from the university

Classes are cancelled for tomorrow and as long as the storm lasts. We have been informed that it was an unexpected dangerous storm, so for the safety of our students each building will be on lockdown until classes resume

I roll my eyes. I've always dreamt of this, being stuck in a building with hormonal teenage boys and no females..... not

The lights suddenly turn off, the only source being my phone screen

One of my biggest fears apart from any sort of creepy crawly is the dark

"Fuck my life, fuck my life,fuck my life" I keep muttering to myself making sure my phone doesn't turn off, when suddenly it does. I try to turn it on but remember I forgot to charge it when we got back I just fell asleep

"Grayson" I shout trying to keep my voice under control

"Ya?" He walks out of the bathroom, not that I can see him, I'm just assuming because of the nearness of his voice

"Do you have your phone?"

He scrambles around "shit no I must have left it in the car"

He's about to leave when I come to a realisation "you won't get out they've locked the doors"

I swear he could sense my apprehension "Are you ok?"

I stopped playing with my ring, something I done when I was nervous "What? Yeah why wouldn't I be"

"Your breathing is really loud and you sound anything but calm"

"Are you a body language therapist?" I sigh "so I might be slightly scared of the dark"

I hear him take a few steps and then my mattress sinks slightly

"Your cute when your scared"

"I'm not scared" I say defensively, even though we both know I'm scared "ok so maybe I'm a little scared"

He shuffles and I can faintly see him lying in my bed and I feel him move the covers. I move so that I'm lying beside him and I notice he's only wearing shorts

I rest my head on his chest and leave a hand on it tracing his abs

"Your cute when your caring"

We both laugh and he starts tracing shapes on my bare back

I'm blaming this on the fear

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