Anthem Of The Angels (part two)

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————Peter's POV————

"(Y/n), wake up. Come on, Sweetheart. Please." I pause as I look at her lifeless body.

"Baby, please." I sob as I pull her closer to me.

She can't be gone. This isn't fair. She has to wake up. I already lost my mom and Yondu. I can't lose the woman I love.

"Quill." Rocket says as he stands up.

"Quill, she's gone." Rocket says as he wipes some tears from his eyes.

"D-don't say that." I say as I realize all of the blood that's pooling around us.

There's blood on my jacket and some on my hands. I feel like my heart is breaking into a million pieces and then the pieces are being shredded.

"Peter, we have to get her and the gem back to the ship before more guards come." Gamora says softly.

I look up at her with the meanest bitch face I can.

"(Y/n) just died in my arms and you're worried about the fuckin' gem!?" I shout at Gamora.

I can't help but feel a range of emotions. Why does this keep happening to me?

"Of course not, Peter. I just don't want to lose anyone else." Gamora pauses as she stands up. "Also, I'm sure it would mean a lot to (y/n) if we got the gem to King Krauser since she did risk her life for it." Gamora finishes as I look back at (y/n).

She's right. I don't want (y/n)'s death to be meaningless. She died trying to save another planet. I sigh as another tear escapes my eye. I pick her up bridal style. It's much harder to hold her now, since she's not holding on to me.

The next time I carried her like this, I wanted it to be when she was alive and well and we were on our way out of a church while she was dressed in a white gown and I was dressed in a tux. My throat goes dry as I think about what could've been.

"Want me to carry her, Quill?" Drax offers.

I keep walking with my head facing forward.

"No, I got'er." I say as Rocket catches up to us.

He has the gem and is placing it in his backpack. The rest of the walk is quiet. No one dares to say a word. Not even Drax. We finally make it to the Milano.

Groot happily greets us as we walk on board and then he sees (y/n) lying limp in my arms.

"I am Groot." He asks as his eyes get bigger.

I ignore him and continue walking. Rocket takes the time to explain what happened to her.

——three weeks later——

I haven't gone on any missions since the day (y/n) died. It's just been Rocket, Gamora and Drax. I keep blaming myself for her death. If only I would've shot the guy who stabbed her instead of standing there in fear like an idiot.

Her death is on me and there's nothing I can do to fix it.

"Hey, Quill." Rocket says calmly as he walks through the door with a box wrapped in news paper and a bow made from rope.

I just look at him. He sighs as he sits next to me on my bed.

"(Y/n) told me to give this to you three weeks after she died." Rocket says as he hands the box over to me.

I take it hesitantly.

"When she was dying, she told you to give me this." I pause and he nods. "Did you talk about this before? Like casually?" I ask and then he sighs once again.

Peter Quill/ Star-Lord X Reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now