Late Part 2

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"I'm not pregnant grace don't be stupid"

"well it would explain a few things, the sickness, your period being late, that huge zit on your chin"

"hey!" I warned her

"the moodswings" she continued no. This was rediculous, there was no way on hella earth!

"Grace its impossible for a start and just because I'm a few days lat-"

"why is it impossible?"

"because Connors an android! He can't, he, can't do that" I yelled

"well have you slept with anyone else?"

How dare she imply that!

"NO!"i yelled firmly.

" OK calm down I was only asking! Why don't you take a test just to be sure"

"I'm. Not. Pregnant" I said slowly. Grace shook her head.

"I'm telling you, you are"

"Grace it's impossible!"

"so, take a test" she threw her hands in the air clearly as frustrating as I was. She rummaged in her bag and pulled out a pregnancy test. "prove me wrong" she said sliding the test in front of me.

"fine, if it will shut you up. I will pee on the stick" I got up snatching the box from the table. This is rediculous.

Grace followed me to the bathroom.

"what are you doing?" I asked

"I want to make sure you do it right!" she sighed pushing me into the bathroom. I sat on the toilet feeling uncomfortable

"I can't go when your watching" I said ripping open the packet to reveal the long pink stick.

Grace rolled her eyes, reaching over to the sink and turning on the tap.

"try. We used to take baths together for christ sake"

"why do you have a pregnancy test anyway?" I said trying to distract myself as the sound of pee twinkled into the toilet. I consent rated on hitting the stick, and not my hand.

"I had abit of a scare last mouth, it was a two pack" Grace shrugged.

"oh, does Adam know" I said putting the test on the sink as I cleaned myself up

"he does, he said he wouldn't have minded" she smiled to herself "but I'm not sure I want another baby. Iv got the girls and that's enough for me"

I nodded "moving in together though, that's exciting" I said

"I don't know. Maybe the girls Arnt ready for that, I mean look at Charlie" she crossed her arms.

"talk to her. It's all you can do" I reached out and patted her leg. Putting the toilet seat down and sitting on top of it.

"yeah your right" she let out a sigh.

We sat for a few moments twiddling our thumbs. Why am I nervous? This is stupid it's literally impossible. I shouldn't be nervous.

"how long do these things take?" I muttered frustratedly

"should be nearly done now" she said.

"fuck it I'm looking" I said. I picked up the piss covered stick, and when I stared into that small window. What I saw really made me wish I hadn't looked at all.



Charlie and I were in the car on the way to Jayne House. We sat in silence for the most part.

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