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Jayne pov

I rolled over in bed, the sick feeling returning to my stomach. I groaned looking to the time.

7.45am the alarm clock on my bedside table blinked at me.

I layed there for a moment thinking about Charlie. And how horrible this talk is going to go. Grace wasnt going to take this well I could feel it,but she was her mother. She needed to know.

I sat up in bed. I wonder were Connor was. Walking down the hallway into the living room I hear the front door open.

"Connor?" I said as he clocked the front door "why were you outside?"

"I was getting the mail" his led was flashing yellow, what wasn't he telling me? He handed me the small stack of junk mail. "grace is coming over to pick up Charlie soon, I thought we could have breakfast" he continued.

"sure" I replayed weakly, the thought of breakfast made me want to vomit.
A audio able groan came from the hall way. A slow walking zombiefied Charlie appeared.

"I'm dying" she groaned

"welcome to the world of hangovers" I sighed.

"does this happen everytime you drink?"

"yep, and it gets worse the older you get"

"shh don't talk to loud" she wined cluching her head.

"come on let's get you a coffee, before your mom shows up" I said heading to the kitchen turning on the coffee maker.

"you called mom!" Charlie yelled.

"we had to inform your mother Charlie, you are underage" Connor said heading to the fridge.

"dude I thought you were cool"

"I am normal temperature, and there is no milk" Connor replied closing the fridge. "shall I go to the store?" he asked putting his hands around my waist.

"great idea! I will come with you!" Charlie beamed grabbing the car keys.  Turning to head out of the door.

"hey! Your mom is coming any minute. You need to talk to her!" I called after her.

"what? Sorry I cant-" she called back closing the front door behind her.

Crafty mother fucke-

"don't worry we won't be long" Connor said breaking my thoughts. He kissed me softly "try not to miss me too much" he chuckled softly

"go, before she trys to drive the car" I laughed watching him run out the door

Grace showed up not long after they had left. I proceeded to fill her in on everything her oldest daughter had been up to. Sitting down at the kitchen table.

"mother fucker."Grace mumbled

" don't be mad at her, she feels bad enough this morning trust me"

"I don't understand, all this because Adams moving in? I thought she loved Adam!" Grace got up pouring herself a cup of black coffee. "want one?" she geustred to me. I winced.

"no, no I'm good. Still feeling sick"

"still?" she raised an eyebrow at me "Lola got better within like, two days. Are you sure it's a stomach bug?"

"yeah what else could it be?" I asked turning to her she raised her eye brow taking a long sip of coffee.

"maybe you should go to the doctor?"

"nah I'm sure it will pass." Grace hummed placing her coffee on the table, I pushed it away feeling my stomach flip.

"I'm going to the loo, best to have a full on fist fight with Charlie on and empty bladder" Grace sighed leaving for the bathroom.

A few minutes passed Grace groaned from the bathroom.

"hey have you got any tampons?" she called from the bathroom

"yeah top draw" I yelled in reply.

"there's only one left, do you mind?"

"go a head I'm not due till the 17th anyway" Grace appeared a few moments later her face confused.

"did you say the 17th?" she looked at me still sat at the kitchen table.

"yeah..." I said confused at what she was getting at.

"Jayne yesterday was the 17th"


"no, tomorrow is the 17th" I corrected her.

"tomorrow is the 19th" she produced her phone showing me today's date.
"Jayne, are you. Are you pregnant?"


Ohhhhh snap boi!

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