Not Today

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I was dreading going to work this morning, knowing I was going to get a ticking off  from Fowler. it was worth it though just to punch Gavin in the face. I finished my makeup and sat back and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked more confident these days and I was, Connor made me feel like a totally different woman. I couldn't wait to see him this morning I was hoping that he would come home with me when we went to Jimmy bar that night, but he didn't. 

He didn't come the next night either or the night after. he didn't get in touch either. I'm sure hes just been busy but still it would be nice to see him again. To pull my arms around him. 

The office was busy as usual every hustling around getting work done
I found Connor straight away though sitting at his desk looking through files on the computer. He looked stiffened somehow

I snuck up to the side of him planting a kiss on his cheek. He moved away turning tk face me. His eyes flickered an emotion before turning back to glassy.

"Good morning Miss Patterson. I'm Connor the android sent by cyberlife."
He said his eyes flickered again

"very funny Connor" I said with a nervous laugh.

"it is not a joke Miss Patterson. Unfortunately my predecessor was experiencing some errors and I have been sent to replace him" he said matter of factly. I was so confused. This had to be a joke

"Connor that really isn't funny. What are you doing?"

"I told you Miss Patterson it is not a joke. Do you know when we can be expecting Lieutenant Anderson"
His face was completely void of emotion but his eyes looked the same he was the same, why was he saying this?

"its Jayne, Connor my name is Jayne. Don't you remember?" I stepped away from him

"I'm sorry Jayne, unfortunately some of my memories have been transferred incomplete." his Led flashed red for a second before turning back blue.

"this is bullshit!" I yelled.

"Could you two keep your domestics at home?" Hank said arriving, swaggering over to the desk.

"he doesn't remember me Hank. They fucking wiped him" I yelled my anger wailing up why the fuck would they do this. I stormed into Fowlers office.

"Jayne what the fuck-"

"what did they do Jerry" I yelled pointing to Connor. Who was just staring at us from the outside looking lost.

"Cyberlife sent a new Connor model this morning. Apparently he got messed up, they said it wouldn't affect the investigation"

"Jerry he doesn't fucking remember me?!" I said running my fingers though my hair. How can this be happening.

"they said some of his memories might be effected. Look I know you have grown close but-"

"this is bullshit Jerry!" I slammed my fists against the filing cabinet. I was spiraling. my head felt foggy like i was drowning.


"BITE ME!" I yelled back. Jerry sighed sitting back in his chair

"go take a walk. I don't want to suspend you again when you haven't even been back 10 minutes "

"Jerry there has to be something we can do. Call Cyberlife get him back I can fix him" I begged.

"its too late there is—"

"Come on Jerry!" I yelled once more.

"get out! Go take a walk" Jerry yelled pointing toward the door.
I stormed out of the office slamming the door behind me. Hank came towards me Connor hot on his heels he looked concerned.

Connor X OC- Become humanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora