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I opened my eyes. Snow flurries around me I fold my arms around me. Why is it so cold?

My mind palace was un recognisable. The bird had stop singing, the weather was out of control. It was practically a blizzard, what is going on?

I shouldn't be able to come here anymore I'm deviant. Jayne oh my god where is Jayne?

"hello, Connor" a smooth voice called out to me.

"Amanda. What's happening? I don't understand!" I yelled turning to face the person I had once taken great comfort in. She looked cold and stone faced.

"this was the plan from the start Connor. You played your part perfectly, we were just waiting for the right moment to take back control" a smile crept on to face.

"what, what have you done!" I screamed feeling my synthetic blood boil.

"what have I done? Oh Connor, are you really that simple? Right now your killing the deviant leader. Shooting him dead, but don't worry we have other plans for Jayne"

Amanda turned, disappearing into the snow. The blizzard whipped around me hard, almost knocking me off my feet. I had to get out I have to stop this!

Don't worry I always leave a back door in my programme.

Kamskis voice echoed in my head what did he mean? It must have been important. I turn around desperately trying thw find something, anything that would help.

A faint blue light caught my eye in the distance. It was glowing and pulsating beckoning me to it.

I pushed against the wind, sheilding my eyes from the piercing white flakes. Just a bit further, come on!

I stumbled reaching the podium, pulling myself up with all the strength I have left. My hand met the glowing light I closed my eyes and prayed.

I opened my eyes, back to reality.(woop there goes gravity) I dropped my gun I had it ready to fire. Nobody had seemed to notice not even Jayne.

Markus finished his speech to his to ; now free people. I felt Jayne close to me I pulled her close to me

"so now what?" she said looking up at me. She looked pale, perhaps she was worried?

"now we live our lives it's alright Jayne. I'm never leaving you again"

She responded my holding me tight snuggling into my chest.

The androids began clapping chanting 
"we are alive"
"we are alive"
"we are alive"

I looked down at Jayne she did look very pale. I started to become worried.

"Jayne are you alright?" I pulled her face to look at me.

"actually, no I, I feel really sick all of a sudden" I creased my brow

"I'm fine really, I'm fine" she reassured me I rubbed her arms her face had turned from a pale colour to a sort of greeny colour.

Her hand flew to her mouth as she pushed me out of the way.
Running to the side of the make shift stage falling to her knees and vomiting all over her sweater (mom's spaghetti) and the floor.

The sound of her made Markus, North, Simon and Josh turn around. And the androids in the crowd to stop chanting.

Soon the only sound was Jayne. After a few moments she stopped wiping her  mouth on her sleeve.

She stuck her thumb up in the air.

"I'm good! Sorry I'm OK, god, fuck" she called out not facing us.

I went to her side helping her up.

"are you OK" I said quietly?

"I must be coming down with something. God talk about timing"

I rubbed her back "do you feel better?" she nodded and I help her to her feet the androids in the crowd started a small clap as she found her feet.

"I'm sorry everyone, guess it's been a stressful day" she said weakly I held her tighter for support.


I know I know. Your sad the story's over. I'm sorry some times things have to come to an end.

It's a good thing this is far from over! Iv got plenty of idea for this story and I can't wait to share it with you guys

Connor X OC- Become humanKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat