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Jayne rolled over in bed still tingly after gun training with Connor, the way he put his hands around her. If he had been human that would be classed as sexual tention she was sure. she thought about what it would be like to kiss him. To feel his naked body against her to hear him whisper her name into her ear.
Damit am I  actually falling for an android? My Phone rang bringing back down to earth. Grace  Flashed onto the screen. Great. just as I was about to answer there was a knock at the door. I answered the phone as i walked to the door. 

"hello" I answered. 

"hey Jaynie" Grace replied " I need a flavor" 

"oh yeah?" I opened the front door my legs being attacked as soon as i opened it. 

"Auntie Jaynie" Lola Screamed up at me clinging to my leg. 

"Hey Auntie Jayne" Charlie said with a small smile as she pushed past me into the house. 

"Hey girls, wow what a suprise!" 

"I need to watch the girls tonight I need a break" 

"mmhm" i said into the phone " whats his name" 

"theres no guy" i could see her in the car, she didnt look at me.

" I asked that you would call the next time, so I could get some things ready" I said turning to the girls who where sat on the sofa. Charlie looked fed up while Lola played with her doll. oh the difference between 5 and 13, Jayne thought.

" I am calling you," Grace snapped down the phone " why cant you just do this one thing for me" She was looking at me now from the car. I have never been close with my sister, she is spoilt and selish. Looking at her in the car I have never felt further away from her, she couldnt even be bothered to get out of the car to dump her kids at to door. 

"Fine have a good night" i hung up shutting the door before she could answer. I turned to the girls. 

"right who wants pizza!" 

"Meeeee"Lola Screached

" I want a chinise" Said Charlie. 

"No pizza!" Shouted Lola 

"We can get both!" i said not wanting a fight to break out. "right Charlie you go order the food , large cheese pizza for me and Lo and what ever you want. Lo Lets get you in to ready for bed" i ran my hands though her hair it definatly needed a wash. 

" cant i watch Tv first. I dont want to get a bath!" 

" you need to get a bath you stink" charlie called from the kitchen 

"no I dont!" lola shouted sticking her tounge out at her sister. 

"well i tell you who does need a bath. me" i said already feeling a headache coming on. "theres money in my wallet" I said to Charlie

"Wheres your wallet?" charlie said looking at me blankly putting the phoen down having ordered. 

"oh its in the draw somewhere, the bathroom door is open if you need me. choice a movie to watch, something your sister can watch I wont be long" 

I ran the bath feeling the warm steam against my skin. Once it was done i slipped into the water the sound of the tv and the girls arguing about what to watched filled the air. I closed my eyes laughing to myself. 


I was literally in the bath for 10 minutes before the door rang 

"can you get it charlie! it will be the food"I shouted from the bath. 

Connor X OC- Become humanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz