Steal her away.

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Snow was falling by the time I got back to my house. I wrapped my jacket around me trying to keep out the cold. Stepping inside my house something off I squinted to see in the dark. The kitchen light switched on illuminating the handsome figure leaning against  the back door. I screamed jumping out of my skin. Markus. 

"What the actual fuck, how did you get in here?" He just smiled at me pushing himself off of the door . 

"You should really lock your back door" He said still smiling at me. 

"Thanks for the reminder" I walked across the living room cautiously. He was a deviant I knew that, he was suppose to be the bad guy. so why wasn't i scared? 

"Is there something I can help you with? Or is this some kind of weird booty call?" I said sarcastically. He walked closer to me staring at me with those intense eyes.

" I need your help Jayne. Iv been watching you your not like the other humans." He too another step toward me meeting me in the middle of the living room. 

"watching me? wh- It was you! you were the one in my garden! and on the roof!" I yelled backing away from him what did he want? 

Markus grabbed on to my shoulders holding me softly in place 

"Jayne, my people are dying! They have things wrong that we cant fix. We need you!" He spoke so powerfully, I could feel his intensity rising. 

"I dont know what you want me to do." I said softly trying to calm him. him being stressed wont solve anything.

"Come with me, help me fix them." his hands fell from my shoulders to my hands he gripped them softly running his thumb along the back of my hand slowly.  I stared from my hand to his face. I wanted to help them I really did, but what about Connor. If he found out he would kill them, then he would leave for ever. 

"I cant help you Markus its too dangerous. If anyone found out I dont know if i can protect you" I sighed " I really want to help but-" 

"Is this because of Connor?" He said interrupting me letting go of my hands. I bit my lip looking away from him.

"Connor isnt deviant. He cant love you like you love him. Not yet." I met his gaze. 

"The androids will rise up. You cant stop it and I dont think you want to. Think about it if humans and androids can learn to live side by side you and Connor can be free to be together." He placed his hands around my waist "you could be with whoever you want" we stood there for a moment locked in place something growing in the silence between us. What was I doing? did this actually make sense to me? I would give anything to be with Connor

The knock at the door scared us both. I signalled for him to be quite as I checked the window. I couldn't believe what I was seeing! Stephen! My ex boyfriend! Here right now! I groaned as he knocked again. 

"who is it?" Markus said in a worried whisper. I waved him away 

"its fine its just an ex. its complicated. I will get rid of him" I took a deep breath as I opened the door a crack. Stephens face lit up as i answered the door. 

"hey Jayne! I was just in the neighbourhood and thought I would drop by. say hi." Really dude its been years and you drop by now. When I have a deviant standing in my living room. 

"nows not a good time Ste- I" I started 

"No listen, Jaynie. I fucked up. I really fucked up I should have never left, I know that now. just let me in we can talk about it." He interrupted. 

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