Eden Club.

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A report had come in about a deviant murdering a man in an android strip club. Connor felt excited when he pulled up to Jaynes door. he hoped she would be able to locate Lieutenent Anderson, since neither of them returned to work after storming out. Connor remebered the tears that fell from Jaynes eyes. He just wanted to make it better, but he didnt know how. 

He knocked on the door. he hoped she would be happy to see him. a memeory of her smiling face opening the door filled his head. Sadly this is not what happened this time.  Jayne looked deeply saddened by his arrival. 

"Good evening Jayne. Apologies for the late hour, but we have been called to a homicide down town and we need to locate lieutenant Anderson." 

" Connor iv got the girls. "Jayne said as I stepped inside.

"Connor!" Lola screamed clinging to his legs as he walked through the door. I felt the need to pick the little girl up. Did i know her? Lola. Her name was Lola. 

"Hello Lola" I said picking her up. Jayne looked at me her eyes softened 

"you remember Lola?" she asked. 

"Of course and Charlie" I said looking around for her. finding her as she appeared at the door. 

"We must get going Jayne." I said putting Lola back on the ground . 

"I cant just go. cant you just go to find Hank by yourself?" I blinked at her. I cant I dont want to go without you. 

"I, I... You are needed in the investigation to Jayne" I said my LED turning red for a second. 

"just go aunt jayne, we will be fine here" Charlie said slumping down onto the sofa. 

Jayne looked back and forth between us. before groaning. 

"Ok fine, but this does not mean you are getting away with it. we are going to talk about you smoking. And Im going next door to get Ms Tanner to watch you." It was the girls turn to groan. 


We rode in silence, Jaynes hands gripped the wheel as she drove. Images flashed through my mind, me driving with jayne in the rain. she was laughing, happy. What am I missing?

 We stopped at a traffic light.
Another image flashed in front of my mind. Car stopping. still rainning. kissing her neck. Running my hand up her thigh. "Connor" Jayne moaned in my mind 

"Connor!" Jayne Yelled. "We're here" 

I pushed the memories back as I got out of the car following Jayne to lietenent Andersons house.  the lights where on inside she knocked on the door. but there was no answer. 

" i dont suppose you have a key?" I said turning to her. she patted her back pocket and cursed. Shaking her head. 

Jayne went to the side of the house, I followed not wanting to lose her. "Dont Lose her"

Jayne was standing on a box looking through a window her hands cupped around her eyes. 

"Shit! Hanks on the floor" she said before i coudl stop her she had smashed the window with her elbow causing the glass to break. A panic bubbled up inside me she was going to hurt herself. she climbed in the window I followed her through but i slipped landing on the floor. 

Before i could get up a giant dog came charging toward me. A name flashed into my head 

"Easy Sumo, easy boy" 


I rushed to Hank pushing his hair our of his face. I checked his pulse. Breathing, thank god. I looked up to see Connor soothing Sumo. 

"Easy Sumo" he said softly. Really you can remember the dogs name but not us like at all?

"Sumo, away" I shouted and the dog barked retreating back to where he came from. 

I moved letting Connor check Him over. Thats when I saw the gun. I checked the chamber, one bullet in. 

"Fuck Hank" i said under my breath. 

"Wake up Lieutenent" Connor yelled slapping Hanks face "its me Connor, and Jayne" 

"What the fuck-" Hank said awakining. Connor pulled Hank up from the floor 

"Im going to sober you up now Lieutenent for your own saftey." 

"Watch it, fuckin Android" Hank slurred. I grabbed Hanks other arm supporting him with Connor. 

"Jayne your here too!" Hank said turning to Connor "Shes a good kid" After much protesting from Hank we got him sobered up slightly. I asked Connor to go and find him so clothes. 

"What the fuck are you doing Hank? Russian roulette  really?" hank didnt answer me. 

"you know that is never the answer." I knelt to his level " no matter how dark things get how desprate things seem? That is never the answer. you have to many people who love you and need you to much for that to be the answer" he nodded not looking me in the eye 

Connor appeared in the doorway and handed me the clothes. I placed them on the sink 

"Now get dressed we are going to a sex club" i cringed at myself. Pushing past Connor, sitting down at the kitchen table. 

"your arm is bleeding" Connor said kneeling infront of me. inspecting my arm. I hadnt even felt it. 

"Its just a scratch" I placed my hand on his cheek, forgetting myself for a moment. he leaned into my touch staring up at me. He looked so lost. 

" I feel like im missing something Jayne" he said quietly.

 Be brave Jayne. I lent down and kissed him softly on his lips. he leaned into the kiss taking my face in his hands. he stood up pulling me up with him. His kisses became desperate running his hands through my hair, gripping the back of my neck kissing me deeper. the kiss slowed down coming to a stop, our foreheads touching as i caught my breath. 

" Did that bring anything back?" I asked quitely gripping on to his jacket begging him to remember. he let out a breath 

"No, Not really" He said I dropped his jacket. 

" Im going to wait in the car" I said pushing past him. Laughing to myself as a tear started to fall down my cheek. 


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