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OK what the actual fuck you guys this book has crossed over 1k views! Words can not describe how amazing I feel right now I never thought anything I would write would be any good. I'm really glad people are enjoying it, don't worry there is plenty more content coming even after the game story line finishes. So thanks for putting up with me for this long don't forget to comment/message me give life and helps me write more.

Peace bitches ✌️

It had been 17 hours 12 minutes since Connor died. I laid down in bed the covers wrapped around me as I tried to block out t he world.

He's gone
He's not coming back.

I heard Hank leave for work. I ran over what happened in my head again and again. This was all my fault.

You can't just lie here Jayne. I thought to myself. I need to do something otherwise I will think myself into a dark bitter place. I pulled myself up with all the strength I had.

After wondering down the hall I caught sight of myself in the bathroom mirror my eyes were red and swollen. My hair looked like a bird had made it its home. I tried to smooth it down, tucking it behind my ears. I looked weak, Weak and broken. I forced a smile it looked convinceing enough.

I needed to work, I need to do something, not just sit around and wait. Wait for the pain to stop.

Walking into the station i could feel all the eyes on me As slumped down at my desk, not daring to turn around and look at his desk.
Connors desk.

Hank was in the captains office he hadn't noticed me come in. Someone had though.

"Jayne what are you doing here?"

"I'm working Gavin" I said hearing my flat tone and trying to correct it. If I told myself I am fine then I am fine I thought to myself.

I'm fine
Your fine Jayne I heard Connors voice in my head. I pushed the pain away.
Work. I need to work.

"maybe you should go home" Gavin said putting his hand on my shoulder I looked up at him his face actually looked concerned, like he was worried about me.

"why I'm fine, and iv got so much work to do" I said, unconvincingly

Gavin didn't look convinced either.

"your not fine. You look like hell you need to go home and go to bed" he said squatting down to my eye level.

My head was swimming. I couldn't go home if I did I would think. I need a distraction. It was at this moment that Hank and the capitan came out of the office.

"Patterson go home, you don't need to be here right now" Captain Fowler said firmly

"I'm fine" I said gripping the edge of my desk "I would rather work"

"I don't give a shit what you would rather. I don't want you here in this state" he replied.

"I said im fucking FINE!" I slammed my fist on the desk. Causing the whole office to fall silent. Hank put his hand on my shoulder I shook him off getting up and pushing past him leaving to find the distraction I needed.

I walk for what seemed like hours ending up at the docks if I couldn't work at the station then I would work for the enemy.
I walked into the makeshift lab in Jerico it was piled with Cyber life crates from the latest raids. Cyber life, the route of all evil. I picked up a screwdriver and threw myself into my work. It wasn't enough, everything reminded me of Connor. His cold body, his lifeless eyes.
The screwdriver slipped knocking the biocomponent out of my hand onto the floor.

Connor X OC- Become humanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن