First Time (smut)

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Jayne had the day off today, I found myself staring at the empty desk wishing she was there. I thought back to the dinner last night and the photo of Jayne with an infant Charlie.

The way Jayne looked holding a baby made Connors heart ache. He wanted desperately to make her happy how could he do that if he couldn't give her children? He pushed the thought away picking up another case file.

I am an android.
I am not deviant.
So why do I feel this way?
How could I show Jayne how I feel. Saying the words was one thing. And he did often. But I wanted to show Jayne how she makes me feel. More research is needed on this subject. 

"Lieutenant, May I ask you a question?" 

I saw Hank visable sink lower into his chair at my words. 

"Yes Connor, What is it?" He sighed I got up and walked over to his desk. I placed my hands on Hanks desk, trying to process what I wanted to ask. 

" As you are aware myself and Jayne are in a relationship" Hank rolled his eyes and nodded. 

"Im very aware Connor" 

"Indeed. I was wondering, how do Humans show each other how they feel when they are in a relationship?" 

"well, its more about being there for each other. Spending time together doing things you both like" Hanks shrugged. 

I thought about this for a moment. 

"Spending time together? Doing what?" 

"I dont know! Like watching movies, going for walks..." 

"Would having, sex count?" I interupted, Hanks eyes grew wide he shook his head before getting up 

"No, I am not having 'the talk' with you" He said pulling on his jacket. I frowned in confusion. 

"The talk" I repeated Hank sighed loudly in frustration, he closed his eyes for a second before walking toward the exit. I proceeded to follow, as he still hadnt answered my question. 

"Connor Stay!" Hank commanded as if I was his dog. I continued to follow him out into the street. 

"Please Lieutenent, I want to make Jayne happy. I want to be a good partner and according to my research a part of a healthy relationship is sexual intercourse. I understand this is uncomfortable for you-" 

Hank looked up to the sky and mouthed the word why. 

"Look sex isnt something that is done casually... Well, no it is. Sex shouldnt be, sex is complicated. I mean can you even, do you feel. Can you..." Hank sturggled to find the words. 

" I do have a penis, if thats what you are asking.I said trying to be helpful." Although I havent needed it so far apart from when Jayne puts it in her mou-" 

"Do not finish that sentence!" Hank folded his arms " Connor do you want to have sex when your around Jayne?" He winced. 

I thought about when Jayne got undressed in the mirror and when we where intermit in the public bathroom where I told her I loved her, how he never wanted her to stop. 

"I think so . when I am around Jayne I just want to be very close to her. always" Hank Nodded placing his hand over his face rubbing his temple with his thumb and first finger. 

"Yeah you want to. Look, Connor you should really talk to Jayne about this not me. It's weird. " 

"I understand. Thank you lieutenant"


Once my day was done I took a taxi to Jayne's house. My heart racing I knocked on the door. Jayne opened the door, her blue eyes were red has she been crying? 

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