Finding Kamski......Again.

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"we have got to go back" I said, Looking up from my hands. we had all gathered in the living room. Markus had located the first aid kit and was patching up Hank much to his dismay. 

"you can't go back- Ahh Christ! watch it, robot Jesus that hurts!" Hank yelled as Markus cleaned the wound. 

"please dont call me that, and i have to clean it or you will get an infection" Markus sighed clearly frustrated with Hank. Hank wriggled once more pulling his arm away. "Stop moving" Markus demanded. Causing Hank to sigh like a toddler who isnt getting his own way. 

"You cant go back to Detroit, its too dangours for you" Hank continoued, taking a swin go his whisky that he stole. 

"Hank I love you, but cut the shit. It doesnt matter where I am they are going to find me. And honestly Im done hiding."

"you are staying where it is safe Jayne" Connors spoke in a commanding tone, his arms folded as he leaned against the fire place. 

"no where is safe Connor" i shook my head, why does no one listen to me. "anyway I think I have proved I can handle myself." I stood up Connor bringing himself off the fire place. I could see he was frustrated.

"Jayne please think about this logically, your hormonal your not thinking clearly."

What the fuck did he just say to me?

"what did you just say?" I said raising my voice slightly.

"I think your hormonal state might be clouding your judgement" he said taking hold of my hand.

"Connor I wouldn't-" Hank started.

"YOUR FUCKING WHAT? HORMONAL AM I! STICK IT UP YOUR ASS CONNOR. I'M NOT HORMONAL" I shouted poking him in the chest. He looked taken aback by my out burst, in fact they all did. They were all looking at me, I felt tears welling up in my eyes I blinked trying to will them away

"I'm not crying."i sniffed Connor smiled at me warmly. Pulling me into a hug as I began to sob.

" I'm not sad, it's, it's just. I'm so TIRED." I wailed" and my feet and back hurt. Im fucking boiling and, so hungry" Connor stroked my hair which was incredibly soothing.

"I wanna go home Connor" I sniffed.

"I know soon OK. I promise" I leaned up kissing him gently on the lips. He lent into the kiss, kissing me with such passion and love I was almost bowled over. I wanted it to last forever.

"hey HEY!" Hank yelled, "stop that god that's so gross, no father should have to see that Christ" I laughed pulling away from Connor.

"sorry dad"


The new plan was set, Hank and Markus would leave in the morning on the hunt for Kamski. Me and Connor were going to stay at the cabin for a few more days, and then follow them back to Detroit. Connor wasnt happy about this plan, but I promised I would stay with Grace until they could find Kamski.

I hope he was alright, for all he was a arrogant fuck I didn't want anything to happen to him.

I laied down on the bed, looking around for Connor

"Connor?" I called waiting a reply.

"I'm in the bathroom I will be out in a minute"

"bathroom?" I questioned what was he doing in the bathroom. I creeped across the bedroom floor, peeking into the bathroom.

Connor was checking himself out in the mirror. I rolled my eyes pushing the door open.

"your so vain" I teased playfully. Joining him by the sink.

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