Well Thought Out Plan

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Jayne POV.

"really that's the plan?" I scoffed. "you and Markus go to the server room while me hank and kamski go run tests in the lab. That's it"

"whats wrong with it?" Connor replied clocking his head slightly.

"well, how are we getting in first of all? We can't just walk in through the front door!" I leaned back against the kitchen counter. The boys all sat around the kitchen table coming up with a plan to break into cyber life

"Jayne is right. This can't just be a simple case of walking in" kamski ran his hand over his face

"we could go in dressed as removal men, think about it no one would bat an eye lid" Hank spoke up

"that's a good idea, in fact. If we could get a van we could just take the equipment we need. That way I can build a lab up again" he turned to me "if you are going to go through with the pregnancy I'm going to need the equipment anyway to monitor you"

He did have a point.

"I think elle may mentioned her nephew has a removal company. We could borrow a van from him" Hank said again I eyed him suspiciously

"how do you know that? I didn't even know elle may had a nephew" I saw Hank become flustered.

"how do we get the information off of the servers?" Connor asked clearly trying to change the subject.

"I have a 30 terabytes hard drive that should be enough" I spoke the boys all looked to me with a puzzled look.
"what? I work in IT!" I shrugged.

"we still don't know what to look for" Markus asked.

"anything. Experiment logs will be very useful. Data entry's. Oh, and any lab notes you can find. It will help me determine how Jaynes pregnancy will progress and how they did this in the first place. Which reminds me" Kamski opens his suitcase and pulls out a small plastic cup. "Connor I need you to fill this up" he slides the cup across the table

Connor picks up the cup and studies in for a moment. He raises and eyebrow

"fill it with what?" he asked.

"your, ejaculate" kamski answered.

"why do you need that?" I said watching as Hank became more uncomfortable for the minute.

"usually, and androids ejaculate is a saline mixed. Something that will either absorb into the body or just fall out-"

"oh well that's my que to leave. I'm going to get us a van" Hank intrupted banging on the table as he left.

"anyway, my guess is that Cyber life replaced that mixer with whatever it is that impregnated Jayne" Kamski finished "it's ingenious really"

I scoffed of course he would think that it's only my life that could possibly be hanging in the balance.

"so that's how it happened? Cyber life put something in Connor and then he put it in Jayne?" Markus said leaning back in his chair. "why would they do that though. It doesnt make sense"

I thought for a moment

"yeah actually, that's a good point. Why go to all that trouble to get me pregnant" Kamski shrugged

"that's why I need the data. I'm just as in the dark as you are" he turned back to Connor tapping the top of the plastic cup "fill it up" he repeated.

"how?" Connor asked after a moment Markus let out a laugh causing Connor to look embarrassed.

I hit Markus on the arm working my way round to Connor placing a kiss on his neck.

"don't worry baby, I will show you" I whispered into his ear.


It always amazed me how good Jayne made me feel. As soon as I thought it couldn't get more pleasurable than this. Boom. Jayne proves me wrong, I pulled up my pants after putting the plastic cup onto the sink.

Jayne looked up at me from the floor smiling.

"there was that so hard ?" she asked in a playful tone.

I held out my hand and pulled her up.

"you know how hard... It is" I said with a wink causing Jayne to giggle. The sound made my ears tingle it was like all the worries had faided away.

"come on.we have got some industrial espionage to commit" Jayne said opening the door of the bathroom. I grabbed my cup and headed out after her. It suddenly occurred to me how awkward it was. Coming back into a room of people who had sat there for 15 minutes while I ejaculated into a cup. And that now I was holding said cup, which was weirdly warm.

"that didn't take long" Markus smirked from the kitchen table. I ignored him giving my warm cup to Kamski.

"what the fuck is that?" Hank asked as Kamski observed the white sticky substance in the cup.

"ejaculate" Kamski replied simply.
Hanks eyes widened his face scrunching up into a grimace.

"fuckin Christ that's disgusting" he said turning away.

"from what I can see this looks normal. I will test it anyway, I might have to swab your delivery system" Kamski said putting the cup into his suitcase.

"I'm gonna barf" Hank gagged.

"OK, OK can we go now. I'm tired and oddly hungry. And I'm done waiting" Jayne complained.

"let go" kamski said snapping his fingers. As he walked out the door.
I watched Jaynes mouth open and close again.

"did he just, snap his fingers" Jayne asked pointing after Kamski "mother fuck-"

"don't think about it kiddo" Hank said putting his hand on her shoulder walking her out of the house. I looked to Markus who gestured for me to leave first.

"after you" he smiled. I nodded following Jayne to the van Hank had arranged. I took a moment before climbing in the back. The sky was a beautiful orange colour, turning into a pink as the sun set. How had he never noticed how beautiful the world was?

I climbed into the back of the van joining Jayne while Kamski and Hank sat up the front. Kamski turned back to us throwing us back some brown overalls.

"put these on. It will help us blend in"

I threw a pair to Markus as he climbed in closing the van door being us. I took off my jacket pulling the overalls on over my clothes. I watched Markus follow suit. However Jayne was having a bit of a problem.

"its to small" Jayne said as she struggled to get her overalls on.

"you might want to consider talking you jumper off. It's bulky" I suggested.  She sighed as she began pulling her jumper off over her head. I could feel Markus staring at her I felt a rage bubble up I took one step to him. My face inches from his.

"turn around" I said in a low growl so Jayne couldn't hear. He smirked at me putting his hands up before turning around. I relaxed a little, watching Jayne toss her jumper to the side allowing her overalls to zip up covering her body.

"ready?" I asked.

"ready" she replied. I banged on the van

"let's go Hank" I called

"jesus Connor, there's not need to bang on the van I can hear you!" Hank yelled.

"sorry hank" I called back. Only to hear hank mumble something along the lines of 'fuckin android' before driving off into the sunset.


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