Lovers quarrel.

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it had been a two days since Jayne hung up her stripper shoes, Jayne still couldn't believe how much of a disaster  that night was. Well, maybe not all of it. Jaynes thought about Connors hands on her body, how heavy his breathing had become when she was on top of him.
I shook my head, he had only done that so the deviant wouldn't run. Connor just wanted to finish his mission that was all. 

I turned on the shower  letting the steam fill the room. Today was meant to be my day off but of course I was way behind on her workload, Gavin and a couple of the Jr detectives had a few beers in the break room a few night  ago and decided to throw the empty bottles at one of the service androids. utter cocks. I stepped into the shower letting the water run down my body. The poor android was still walking around with half a bottle lodged in its back. 

I felt guilty that i haven't gotten to it sooner but with all the deviant cases coming in i haven't had much time to do my actual job.

The captain was not impressed by the deviant getting away, and at  how risky the sting had been in the first place, but he did sign off on it so?

Arriving at work I quickly located the android he was cleaning in the brake room. I placed my hand on its shoulder turning it to face me.
"can I help you Jayne?" he looked at me no emotion in his eyes.

"I'm going to fix you up today, Jack would you follow me to the repair lab?" he just nodded and followed me into my office where I grabbed my lab coat from the back of the chair.

"hello old friend" I slipped it on a warm feeling washing over me, I was back in my comfort zone.

As me and Jack left my office we bumped into Connor.

"Jayne? Isn't today your day off?" I was surprised to see Jayne. We hadn't actually talked since the 'dry humping' as lieutenant Anderson had put it. Connor wondered if Jayne had thought about it as much as he had. She had released something deep inside him, he wanted to tell her how he felt but still couldn't find the words.

"I was supposed to be, yes but I felt guiltily that I had left my good friend Jack here with an extra limb" she pointed to the glass bottle sticking out of the androids back. I couldn't help but smile, Jayne had such a good heart.

"Robert?" jayne said as she glanced behind me. I turned to see Mr Santoro walking quickly toward us.

"jayne I need your help. Its Jared. I think somethings happened to him."

" Jared kilman the man who owned the deviant? " I asked irritated by his presence.

"what's happened?" Jayne said

"he didn't turn up to our poker night last night. And when I couldn't reach him by phone I went to his house. he didn't answer, so I went to the back of the house and that's when I saw the android on the balcony."

"the deviant? Why didn't you call the police?" I asked

"I tired but I couldn't get threw I thought it would quicker to drive here" he replied side eyeing me.

"we need to get Hank" jayne said looking at me.

"I will call him tell him to meet us there do you have the address" looking pointedly at Mr Santoro

He nodded. "of course he lives at 460 flimpalace on footman drive."

"shall we" jayne held out her hand to me.

"yes" I grabbed Jaynes hand and she pulled me to the exit.


Connor phoned Hank from the car, he said he would meet us there. I felt the nervous as we approached the house. Connor placed his hand on the door panel. The door slid open reveling a large entrance hall with grand looking stairs stretching up and around.

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