Bakugou stood there with a  worried look on his face which soon turned into anger when he saw Todoroki's arms wrapped around Y/n's shoulder. He was about to scream out his anger at Todoroki but was interrupted when the whole class cheered and went to congratulate y/n and Todoroki for their awesome performance. Bakugou got that time to calm himself down and decided not to create a scene because he knew that y/n wouldn't like it. The last thing he wanted was for Y/n to hate him and break their friendship.

All Might instructed the students to get changed into their uniform and head to the class while he did some work. Everyone was now headed to the locker room to change. At that time, Bakugou approached y/n and Todoroki was close was by.

"Congratulations y/n, you did good out there." Bakugou said genuinely because no matter what y/n did, it would always be good for him.

"Not really, I didn't do anything, Todoroki here did all the work. You saw him didn't you, he's amazing ryt? But thanks Bakugou, it makes me feel asif i wasn't completely useless" y/n said that as she laughed, oblivious to the burning rage inside Bakugou.

"Y/n you were an important part in today's battle. If it was a real battle, I might have received major injuries because of the attack but you saved me. You were a hero to me, so dont think less of yourself." Todoroki spoke.

" Hehe! I cant thank you enough Todoroki, you always know what to say. Anyhow, im heading out to get changed. You guys should also do that, see you both in the class." Y/n replied as she walked out of the monitor room. Now only the two boys were left alone with Bakugou glaring at Todoroki while he did the same not breaking eye contact.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing half n' half. Don't tell me you're 'also' interested in y/n, trying to sweet talk her into falling for you and whats up with you having your arms around her huh!??" Bakugou growled at Todoroki.

"Also?? I never knew a guy like you was also capable of love and so far as the arms are concerned, y/n was about to trip and fall so i was giving her support to steady herself or you would have preferred her falling and getting hurt? And so what if I'm interested in her, it's not like you're his boyfriend. I can do whatever i want"

"Why you piece of shit! Im going to fucking kill you right now!" Bakugou was getting fired up.

"Come at me! Like im just going to stand here and watch as you kill me." Todoroki was also getting prepared to counter Bakugou but right when they were about to fight, All Might came and stopped them.

"Ah! Youth! Fighting for love. It was always a sweet feeling but as much as I'd hate to interrupt, you kids are not allowed to use your quirk without permission. So go get changed and head to class." All Might said while laughing.

After getting changed, Todoroki and Bakugou headed to the class and as soon as they entered, the class fell silent. The two guys came in together but everyone knew they weren't happy about it. 'Tch' was the only thing they heard from Bakugou as he went to the back in his seat. Todoroki sat in his seat beside y/n as though nothing happened.

"Did something happen between you and Bakugou?" Y/n asked worried.

"Not really. Nothing happened, its alright, you dont need to worry about it" Todoroki replied as he flashed y/n a smile.

"O-h alright if you say so" saying dt y/n gave Todoroki a smile Even though she was not satisfied by his answer because she could see Bakugou glaring at Todoroki from the back, clearly showing his hatred.

I wonder what happened between them. Im sure there's something going on. I hope i find out soon.

The students were informed that they would be choosing a class representative the next day which got everyone excited and the class soon came to an end.

Class representative eh! Sounds like a busy yet interesting day tomorrow. Hope everything thing turns out fine. Y/n thought to herself as she headed home.



The words that are typed in Italics are the thoughts going on in the characters mind (or dream). They are not spoken out loud so please dont confuse them with the character's dialogues. And i made this chapter longer than the usual because i missed my updates. Hope you enjoyed it...
Hehe (>.°)

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