Demi handed her a stuffed bear before closing the car door and climbing back in the front.

"Right now we can finally go home" she smiled as once again Wilmer drove off. I couldn't help but smile when I looked and saw them both holding each other's hand as Wilmer kept one steady on the steering wheel.

I glanced across to my left and examined Mille a little. She was the exact image of Demi, she was adorable and I'm not really a baby person but as far as they go she's one of the cutest I've seen.

I sat back and leant against the window and just listened to Demi and Wilmer's conversation.

"Did your mom tell you how she's been?" Wilmer asked

"She said she was fine but she thinks she might be coming down with a cold or the flue or something. She took her temperature and said it was a little high so we'll just have to keep an eye on her" Demi informed him

I watched as he glanced in the mirror at Millie.

"Her face does look a little flushed. We could really do with her not getting sick right now. Neither of us really have the time" he sighed

Great, I'm going to put even more pressure on their schedules.

"I know, let's just get her home she can have a quick bath and a feed and we'll get her straight in bed. With any luck she'll sleep it off before it hits her"

We finally pulled up on the drive of a huge house. I can't believe I'm going to be staying here. Maybe my life can change for the better.

Demi POV

"Come on baby girl" I said to Millie as I lifted her out of the car. I placed my tired toddler on my hip and grabbed my bag.

"Come on melody. Let's go inside" I smiled

Wilmer unlocked the front door for me then quickly went back to the car to grab the suitcases. I entered the house with melody nervously following behind me. I don't blame her for being nervous, this is all very new to her.

I put Millie down on the floor in the living room and she immediately crawled off to her box of toys in the corner.

"Follow me sweetheart" I led melody towards the sofa and sat down, gesturing for her to join me. She sat herself on the very edge

"Melody relax, this is your home now. I know it's gonna take some time to get used to but we'll try and make it as easy as possible." I explained

She nodded at me and leaned back a little. We were then joined by Wilmer.

"Babe will you bath Millie while I get melody settled in" I asked my husband

"Eughhh do I have to?" He whined like a baby

"Oh stop it, she's not that bad in the bath"

"Fine but you're taking the next one" he stated

"Deal" I winked

I watched him walk over to Millie and pick her up in his muscular arms.

"Come on then melody, I'll show you your new room"

I held out my hand for her and she slowly but surely reached out to take it. I led her upstairs, following Wilmer and Millie.

I laughed to myself at the sight of Wilmer carrying our struggling toddler into the bathroom. Bath time really wasn't her favourite and Wilmer was in for a tough time.

We passed mine and Millie's bedroom before stopping outside another door. I pushed it open and brought melody inside.

"I know it's not much, we've just never had to use the spare room but we'll do it up and you can put your own touch on it. Is that ok?"

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