Chapter Thirty Five

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After a full day of being with my friends and Dylan talking about what happened through all this week, we finally get some time alone. Dylan and I are sitting on the edge of the pool with our legs inside the water that reaches our knees. No matter how much he tried to fold his jeans up, they are darker now in some parts for being wet.

"So... we are a couple," I say to fill in the silence. Above us some stars begin to shine. He smiles shyly and stares at the water that now is yellow because of the lights lighting it from the bottom.

"You should thank me for saving you from one night with that... guy," he replies, grimacing. Is he jealous?

"Are you jealous of Samuel Rodgers?" I joke. His laugh is a little forced.

"Did you two had something?"

"Apart from sharing that stupid title?"
He raises his brows. "The perfect couple?" I laugh when he mumbles it like a child forced to confess he broke a glass with a ball.

"It's definitely not like what you are thinking of," I say laughing so much it hurts.

"Tell him that," he says.

"My school gives stupid awards every year to the best students, the best athletes, the most attractive-"

"Don't forget about the perfect couple," he interrupts.

"He made that up on his mind," I say in my defense. "The stupidest of them all is the one of the perfects" he laughs at the ridiculous name just like I do. "Exactly. It is stupid but everyone here gives it more importance than what it deserves."

"Let me guess... you won that thing," he laughs.
"Unfortunately," I admit, frowning.

"Just imagine when they find out you were practically made to win that," he says making me laugh again. "You are a cheater Madison Wrestler."

"At least that earned me a dog," I say looking at the little puppy sniffing around.

"At least now I got a girlfriend who is literally perfect with all the letters that form that word," he says taking me from my chin. "Who by the way, I am taking to prom."

"I wasn't planning to go," I reply staring at his eyes that reflect the yellow color of the pool.
"I can tell that... change your plans" he says. We are so close that we are almost breathing the same air.

"But Alison..." I say remembering what brought us to this moment. He shakes his head.

"That night is going to be all about you," he kisses me gently and don't ask me why I pull him till we fall into the pool that finally tears us apart.

"Why did you do that?" he laughs when he gets out to breath and I laugh too.

"Just felt like it," I say laughing for the way his hair got all messy.

"Couldn't you just felt like playing tennis?" he says pulling me to him and holding me in one hand while he points at the tennis court with the other.

"Ugh I hate tennis so much," I say disgusted right before I kiss him again.

"I have never played but I would certainly die to see you in that hot sporty tennis look," he says when we separate and I laugh.

"You are disgusting!" I joke getting out from his hold to walk to the edge of the pool.

"Pardon me? I am not the one who jumped into the pool with a white dress," he says making me blush and he smiles biting his lip. "I love that reaction!" he practically shouts and I just giggle.

"You're going to make them catch us," I whisper for no real reason and he just puts his finger against his mouth to then literally scream startling me and making me laugh way too hard.

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