"Where are they?" she asks.

"I... don't know," I say and she sighs. "And I think it's for the best."

"Gina, this will be extremely hard," she says, "there could possibly be legal implications for you. And for Madison, based on what you said there are a lot of contracts in between. There are a hundred different ways this might end."

"Thank God you are an excellent lawyer."

"I don't think you are getting what I am trying to say," she lets out a worried laugh.

"I do, I will be playing for both parts but when the time comes I will do everything to support this cause... for the kids." I take the folders out from my bag. "These are copies of some experiment reports that we practiced on this child." I walk to her and hand them over. "There are some agreements regarding Madison's situation too, just study them all and we will act when the perfect moment arrives."

"Ten kids, San Francisco, Seattle, Atlanta, New York, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, Boston, New Orleans, Phoenix... too many lives," she names the list of labs that I gave to her and I nod.

"God, in what moment the world got so messed up?"

* * *

"Mrs. Wrestler," greets me Teo helping me to get out of the car.

"How's everything, Teo?" I ask waiting for the obvious reply while he walks me to the entrance.

"I could say the tide is very agitated ma'am," he replies opening the door. My blood leaves my whole body when I notice Levy's presence in the living room with my husband and Wen.


The TV ends up being the most boring thing in the world but compared to literally being locked in a room, with a six-year-old girl, who doesn't know anything about the world. It's not that bad.

I go to the kitchen hoping to find something to eat meanwhile, I end up getting an orange. I open the knives drawer to cut it and find a note inside the drawer.

I am pretty sure you are about to eat just because you are bored, DON'T let Jessica win.

Just kidding, look in the wardrobe. I left a gift for you both.


I laugh at the last message my best friend left before leaving me. I go to the wardrobe and this time I find the box of my favorite game in the world along with a new note.

I really hope Alison wins.

I laugh bending down to take the box and shake it in front of Alison who is hypnotized with the news that really doesn't have anything important to tell. I don't think it's even possible to play this game with someone her age, starting with the fact that the game is designed for children older than eight. But given the situation, it's worth the try.

"Come here," I tell her turning the TV off, sitting on the floor, and in less than two seconds she's already in front of me. "Sit down," I say pointing at the spot on the floor right in front of me and she obeys. I open the box and start taking out everything that we need for the game.

"What's this?" she asks.

"A game, so we won't get bored," I tell her organizing everything and she nods.

"What is bored?" she asks with a pretty sweet voice.

"It's like a feeling you get when you are not doing anything funny or entertaining," I say organizing everything.

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