Chapter 27

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Chapter 27
<Justin's POV>
I lay down on my bed with my hands covering my face. I was crying, and it for sure wasn't helping me breath whatsoever.
I had put the damn oxygen mask on, even though I didn't want to. I couldn't just give up so easily. Not now, or tomorrow, or for the rest of the time I'm in this condition. I know I said I wanted to die because I can't take this anymore, which is true, but I can't just leave Selena like this. I couldn't do that to her.
And I felt like such an ass right now for what I said to her. Telling her that it was her fault I'm in this condition, but it's not. It's my fault. I was stupid enough to go to the club to try and find a girl to fuck and to get drunk so I could try and get my mind off of Selena.
I should have never of told Selena to go ahead and choose Demi over me. Cause now....look at me.
I took the back of my hand and wiped my eyes, wiping away the tears.
I needed to talk to Selena. I wanted her to come back in my room so I could apologize to her. But, something tells me, Selena left the hospital.
Why would she want to stay with me after what I said to her. I probably just made her feel like complete shit.
I'm such an ass.
I let out a sigh just as I heard the door open to my room. I turn my head and relief washed over me as I saw Selena walk in. I immediately sat up in my bed.
"Lay back down." Selena says as she walks over to my side. I shake my head.
"Selena, I'm so sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it, I swear. I was just," Selena cut me off. "It's okay, Justin." she says.
"No. No it's not." I say as Selena sits down on the edge of my bed. "When I said it was your fault for why I'm like this, I didn't mean that. It's not your fault at all. It's mine."
Selena shakes her head as she takes my hand in hers. "Don't blame yourself. You were right. It is my fault." she says sadly.
"Selena, no! It's not your fault! I was the one who was stupid enough to go to the club and get drunk, not yours. If I haven't of went, I wouldn't have been in this condition." I say sternly.
"Yeah, and if I hadn't of chose Demi over you, none of this would of happened." Selena says as she looks down away from me. I sigh softly.
Why am I always the one to screw everything up in this relationship? Damn.
"But you wouldn't have chose Demi if I hadn't of insisted of you doing so." I reply. "See, it's my fault."
Selena shakes her head. She goes to say something but I quickly cut her off before she could say anything.
"Please," I say. "Just lay down next to me and let's just forget about this. Please."
Tears were rolling down my cheeks again by now. She nodded her head and then crawled onto the hospital bed.
I scooted over so she had room to lay down. She laid down close to me, laying her head on my chest as I put my arm around her.
"I love you," I whisper to her. "I love you too." she replies as she snuggles closer to me.
~ ~ ~ ~
<Selena's POV>
I had my head resting on Justin's chest as I was tracing circles on his stomach. I had my ear resting right over his heart, letting me hear every heartbeat of his.
We had just been laying here for over fifteen minutes, or so, in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence. It was an enjoyable silence between us. I liked it.
I was about to close my eyes, as they were starting to get heavy, when I heard the door open. I picked my head up and looked over at the door to see the doctor walk in. A smile formed on his face.
"How are you doing today Mr. Bieber?" he asked as he checked his clipboard.
"Alright, I guess." Justin says as I sit up.
I feel Justin try to pull me back down to keep laying down next to him, but I felt awkward laying next to him while the doctor was in the room. I got up from the bed and sat down in the chair next to his bed.
"Have you coughed up a lot of blood today?" the doctor asks, still looking down at his clipboard.
"Yeah. It was more then usual." Justin replies.
The doctor nods. "Here, let me go get some medicine for you that might help you out a little." the doctor says as he turns to leave the room.
"I don't mean to be an ass, but when the hell are you going to help me get better? Like, one hundred percent better?" Justin says angrily.
I grab his hand, giving him the signal to stop. But he ignores me.
"I'm tired of coughing up my own blood every hour or less! I want my lungs to be cleared so I can actually breath! I want to get out of this damn hospital!"
The doctor looks up at Justin and sighs. "We can't-" Justin cuts him off. "What? Help me? You're a doctor. You're supposed to be able to help me!"
I look at Justin giving him the look to shut up.
"Sir, we haven't helped you yet because your heart is not strong enough." he says.
"What do you mean?" Justin asks.
"If we put you under while we cleared your lungs, there would be a fifty percent chance that you would actually make it and a fifty percent chance that you wouldn't. We're trying to see if your heart will becoming strong enough for us to help you. But it won't. It just gets weaker and weaker."
I felt my eyes water.
"I'm strong enough. Just clear my lungs." Justin says sternly.
"Justin," I say making him look at me then back at the doctor.
"But sir," Justin cuts him off. "I don't care if there is a fifty-fifty chance. I know I'll make it and be okay. I just want to be healthy again, with my lungs cleared, so I can get out of here and go back home. Please, just do it."
The doctor scratches the back of his head before he sighs.
"We'll do it here in a few hours." he says before walking out of the room.
I look at Justin with tears in my eyes.
"Selena," he says.
"Justin, you're not strong enough! And you know it! I don't want you to do this." I say.
"But then I'll be better and we can go home." Justin says.
"Yeah, if you even make it. Justin, you're risking your life on this. Please, don't do this." I cry.
He takes my hand and pulls me onto the bed next to him. "I'll be okay, I promise. I'm not going to leave you, don't worry." he says.
I don't say anything else and just hug him tightly, crying into his chest, hoping that he was right about this.

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