Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
I washed my hands and then quickly dried them. I've been in the bathroom for only a couple minutes at the most, and I'm worried about Selena.
You can't trust anyone in a club. Especially when this club is filled with drunk people and idiots.
I walked out of the restroom and walked back to where I left Selena. I felt my heart start pounding hard when I saw that Selena wasn't standing here anymore. I was in the restroom for only like two minutes, and now she's gone? What the hell!
I immediately started to look around for Selena. But with the amount of people, it wasn't going to be easy finding her. I began pushing my way through the crowd, hoping to find Selena somewhere.
She wouldn't leave the club, would she? I know we didn't get a great start tonight driving to the club, but she wouldn't leave....I hope.
I tried my best to look over people's heads to see if I could see Selena anywhere, but that wasn't working out very good because a lot of the people were taller then me.
"Watch where you're going dumb ass!" some guy yelled at me as I pushed him aside so I could way by. "What about you shut the fuck up and continue socializing with your friends, okay." I said before I walked off.
I hate people even more when they're drunk.
I went to the doors of the club and walked outside. I looked over to my car and didn't see Selena there. Maybe see didn't leave. But then, where the hell is she in the club?
I sighed and walked back into the club. I began pushing my way through the crowds of people once more.
As I was pushing my way through the crowd of people, I looked over onto the dance floor. There were guys grinding on their girls, girls dancing sexily around their guys, everyone was drinking.
I was about to turn my head away when I noticed someone. I took a closer look and saw that it was Selena....with another man.
I clenched my hands into tight fists. My blood was boiling inside.
What the fuck is she doing with another guy? She came here with me! She's with me!
I stormed over to where Selena was and grabbed her arm, making her shoot a death glare at me.
"What the hell are you doing? Who the fuck is this asshole?" I yelled. "I'm dancing with him." Selena said. "And he's my ex-boyfriend, Nick."
Ex-boyfriend? When did she have a boyfriend? Just recently? I hope this dumb ass knows that Selena is my girl.
"Good to know. Now come on." I said, pulling Selena away from Nick. But Selena pulled her arm away out of my grip.
"No! I'm having fun clubbing with him. Why don't you just find another girl to club with? You said it would be easy to find someone else anyways." Selena said before she turned back to Nick.
I felt my jaw loosen and my face softened. She was wanting to club with her ex-boyfriend, instead of me? I thought she liked me?
"Can you beat it now loser?" Nick suddenly spoke up before he walked off with Selena, his arm around her back. I saw Selena look back at me as she walked away, a sorrow look on her face.
I put my hands in my pocket and just walked away. I went over and sat down on the floor against a wall.
Now what was I suppose to do for the rest of the night? I'm not going to find some dumb ass slut to club with because it wouldn't be the same. I wanted to only club with Selena. I couldn't just leave because I don't want that asshole, Nick, to take Selena home. Who knows what kind of shit he'll pull on her.
I ran my fingers through my hair when I noticed a small wet spot on my jeans. That's when I realized I was actually crying.
Yeah, the "bad boy" of the school,who takes every girl out in his school to the club, is crying. And you know why? It's because he thinks he's loosing his girl, even though he never really had her as his.
I put my head down and tried my best to stop crying before someone I knew would see me. I can't believe I'm actually crying. I have never cried over anyone before. Anyone.
I guess it just proves that Selena really is different.
<Selena's POV>
I had my arms wrapped around Nick's neck, his hands being on my sides, as our lips were moving in perfect sync. We were kissing roughly, and felt so good.
I have to admit, I've missed this. I've missed Nick. Ever since we broke up, I have been heartbroken and it hasn't been easy for me to trust any other guys.
The reason being is because the reason why Nick and I broke up is because I saw him cheating on me after two years of being together. He had been dating the other girl for almost a year behind my back. I felt so stupid not knowing he was cheating on me.
Nick had me pressed up against a wall. He had a strong hold on me and he was kissing me more roughly.
But as I was kissing him, I suddenly started to think about Justin.
It was different when Justin and I kissed. His hands on me and his lips pressed against mine felt so right. This didn't feel right.
I wanted to be with Justin, not Nick. And yes, I'm admitting that I like Justin.
I put my hands on Nick's chest and pulled my lips away from his. Nick went in to kiss me again when I stopped him.
"No, Nick." I said. "What? Come on, this is what you want, isn't it?" Nick asked, a smirk on his face. I shook my head. "No. This is not what I want." I said.
Nick's eyes widened. "Excuse me?" he said. "You cheated on me with another girl almost a year. Do you really think that I would want to get back together with you after that?" I said, before trying to get Nick's hands off of me.
"I still love you Selena. And you know that. Just give me a second chance." he said. I shook my head. "No Nick. Get off me." I said.
Nick's grip suddenly tightened on me. "Not until you're mine again." Nick growled. "Like I would ever want to go back out with dumb ass player like you ever again." I snapped at him.
That's when I saw the anger in Nick's eyes. And then, out of no where, and without warning, Nick punched me in my face which sent me to the ground. A scream coming out of my mouth.
<Justin's POV>
I was sitting outside in the car, waiting for this night to just be over already. I wanted to go home and just forget about ever wanting to actually have Selena as mine. She wouldn't want to be with me anyways. So it's not worth even trying.
I looked at the clock and it was already 11:30. The club closes in a half hour. Where is Selena? I thought by now she would of came out, wanting to leave. Then something crossed my mind which made my jaw clench.
Nick better not be fucking Selena or I will beat the shit out of him. I had to go inside and find Selena. I didn't want Nick's hands to be on her, let alone him being even in her presence.
I quickly jumped out of the car and ran inside the club. When I walked inside, it wasn't as crowded as it was when Selena and I first got here. So it was easy to walk through the crowd now.
I was looking all around for Selena, even calling out her name a couple times. But no luck. I was worried that Nick had taken Selena to the back of the club and was having sex with her right now, like when I took Jacque back there and had sex with her.
Inside of me was boiling inside. I needed to find Selena!
Just then, I saw Selena pressed up against the wall, Nick having his hands on her.
Does this boy have a death wish?
I was walking towards them as I saw Selena try to wiggle out of Nick's grip. I knew something wasn't right because I could tell by Selena's face.
I started walking faster towards them. Then, that's when I saw Nick punch Selena in the face, making her scream and it sent her to the ground.
I felt like inside of me had just exploded.
I ran towards Nick, my hand tightened into a tight fist. Right as I reached him, Nick looked at me, right before I punched him in the face. He fell to the ground, holding his cheek.
I bent down and started to continuously punch Nick right in the face. As I punched him, I heard a crack and Nick let out of yelp, indicating I had just broke his nose. His blood was all over my knuckles.
"Justin! Stop!" I heard Selena say before I felt her trying to get me off of Nick. I punched him one more time before I got up.
Nick was curled up into a ball, holding his bloody, broken, nose.
"Don't you ever fucking touch Selena again! Don't even come near her again! Got it?" I yelled at him.
Nick slowly nodded his head.
I turned my attention towards Selena and saw that Nick had given her a busted lip and her eyes was a little black and blue and swollen. I gently brushed my thumb over Selena's busted lip.
"Let's get you home." I said and took Selena's hand and walked us out to my car.
I opened up the car door for Selena so she could get in, but as she was about to get in the car, she turned around and looked at me.
"Justin," Selena said softly as she looked up into my eyes. "Yeah?" I asked. Selena was silent for a moment. "Why did you do that for?" Selena asked. I bit my lip.
I can't just tell her that I punched Nick's lights out because I was jealous and pissed off. I don't want Selena to know I like her. And the reason why is because I don't want to hear her say she doesn't like me back. I just don't want to hear it.
"He punched you, Selena. I wasn't just going to stand there and not do anything." I said. "I know. But you didn't have to do that. I could of handled it." Selena said. I chuckled a little.
"Yeah, you on the floor in clear pain proves that you where easily taking care of the situation." I said. Selena looked away from me. I sighed. "I was only protecting you, Selena." I said and put my hands on her arms.
"Why? It's not like you actually care about me or anything. I'm just another girl you've taken out to the club." Selena said.
Can I please tell her now that I like her? Please? It's killing me inside now.
"Come on, get in the car and let's go." I said, changing the subject and walking to the other side of the car.
Selena slid in the car as so did I. I started the car and then pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road.
It was quiet in the car for over ten minutes.
"So, uh, did you have fun clubbing with Nick?" I asked, even though I didn't even want to know. "No." Selena said right away.
"Well, I mean from apart from him punching you." I re-worded what I was asking her. "No." Selena repeated right away.
"Oh," I said. "Why?" Selena looked over at me.
"It didn't feel right being with him. And I don't mean because of him being my ex and what he did to me." Selena said. I raised an eyebrow.
What was she talking about?
"Then, what do you mean?" I asked, curiously.
What Selena said next, I didn't see coming.
"What I mean is that I wasn't with you." Selena said. I turned my head towards her. "Kissing Nick and with his hands on me, it wasn't the same as when you're kissing me and having your hands on me. It just didn't feel right. But it feels right when I'm with you."
Did I really just hear Selena say that? But, she doesn't like me....does she? I didn't know how to respond to this.
"O-oh." I said, a lost of words. I came to a red light and pushed on the brakes.
"Justin, instead of you dropping me off at my house, can you take me to your house?" Selena asked.
I felt my heart pounding. The fact that I think Selena actually likes me and that she wants to come to my house, it's making me nervous. But it's a good type of nervous.
"Uh, sure." I said as the light turned green. I saw Selena smile so I returned her with a small smile.
Why is she wanting to come to my house though? I don't know what's going on, but, so far, I like it.

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