Chapter 16

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Chapter 16
*One Week Later*
I lay down in bed, my eyes closed, trying to go back to sleep. I couldn't sleep last night, so I'm not in the best mood at the moment.
I hear a knock on my door. It's probably Ryan and Chaz.
"Go away!" I yell.
I'm not mad at them, no. I'm just not in the mood to deal with them and their shit.
I hear my door open and then close.
"Didn't I say go away Ry-" I stop myself when the person jumps on the bed.
I shoot my eyes open and see Selena, a huge smile on her face. I smile.
"Sorry, I thought you were Ryan and Chaz." I say, putting my hands up behind my head.
"I see that." Selena says before she gets on top of me and straddles me.
She leans down and presses her lips against mine. I put my hands on her hips as I kiss her deeply. Selena starts to pull away but I sit up in the bed to reconnect our lips. But she puts her hands on my chest and pushes me away from her, enough to where our lips are disconnected.
"You still want me to go away?" she asks, pressing her forehead to mine.
I shake my head, bitting my lip as I feel her hot breath hit my collarbones and chest.
"No, no. I want stay...right, here." I say in between kisses on her neck.
She giggles right before I wrap my arms around her back and bring her down onto the bed, getting on top of her. I bring my mouth to hers as she wraps her arms around my neck.
Okay, this puts me in a better mood. Just seeing her beautiful face, her smile, or hearing her laugh. My mood can completely change. That's what I love about her. She brings out the side of me that I never knew even existed.
And speaking about love...I still haven't told Selena that I love her.
I know, I should. But to be honest, Im scared to tell her.
What if she doesn't feel the same way about me? What if I'm taking our relationship too fast? We've only been together for a week. People don't tell each other that they love each other after just a week of being together, do they? I've never been in a relationship before so I don't know these things. I'm not sure when would be the right time to tell her I love her. I just don't want to look like a complete idiot saying it to her and her not feeling the same.
I start to pull up Selena's shirt when she stops me.
"Justin," she says.
Every time I start to pull off her shirt she stops me.
"I know, I know. No sex yet. Just seeing if today would have been the day." I say before kissing her lips once more before I get off of her.
I stand up from the bed and grab my phone as Selena sits up in the bed. I unlock my phone and realize I have a text message from three people. Ryan, Chaz...and Jacque?
What the hell? Why did she text me?
I ignore Ryan's and Chaz's messages for a moment and click on Jacque's message.
"Hey, Jay. I need to talk to you about's important. Meet me at the club tonight at ten." her text read.
What's so important that she has to tell me? She probably just wants to fuck with me again.
"Justin, what's wrong?" Selena speaks up. She must of notice my confused look on my face.
I shut off my phone.
"Nothing baby." I say.
I'm going to go tonight, just to see what Jacque wants. Hopefully nothing will go bad and I won't screw anything up again.
*Later That Day*
<Selena's POV>
I sat on the couch with my arm around Justin and my head resting on his shoulder. We were watching The Notebook.
This movie always makes me so emotional.
Justin pulls out his phone and checks the time. Every ten minutes or so he will check his phone. It's kind of getting annoying.
"Why do you keep checking phone for?" I ask, sitting up.
He looks at me.
"Um," He trails off right when his phone goes off.
I see he got a text message from someone. I went to see who it was from but Justin moved it away from me and stood up from the couch. I raise an eyebrow.
"I have to go." Justin says, walking to the front door. I get up quickly and follow him.
"Why?" I ask.
"Cause I have to, okay." he snaps at me.
Why does he all of a sudden have an attitude?
"What's with the attitude? I didn't do anything to you." I say, crossing my arms.
"You're getting in on my business when you don't need to be." he says. "I'm going to the club. I'll be back later."
He goes to open the door when he stops. He turns to me and expectedly pulls me in for a kiss. It lasts only a second as I push him away from me. I don't want him to be kissing me if he's having his damn little attitude.
He rolls his eyes. "Bye." he mutters under his breathe before he walks out the door, slamming the door shut.
What the hell? If I didn't know any better, I would say something is going on. And I don't like it. What happened with him and Sierra, I haven't fully trusted him again.
I sigh and go and sit back on the couch.
<Justin's POV>
I pull up to the club and put my car in park once I find a parking spot.
I feel bad about getting snappy with Selena. She didn't even do anything. But she always wants to know what's wrong and what I'm doing. She's not my fucking mom. She doesn't have to know every fucking thing.
I sigh and get out of my car. I walk inside the club and the music blasts into my face. They really need to turn down the music.
I start to head towards the drinks, like I usually do.
"Give me a beer." I demand to the guy who was working the drinks.
He gave me a glare before he handed me my beer. I open it and take a few sips.
I pull out my phone and look at the time. Nine forty-five. Jacque said to be here at ten. Watch, she probably won't even show up.
I take another sip of my beer when I notice someone standing off to the side of the club, by the dance floor. I take a closer look but she moves away.
Was It couldn't be. She wouldn't be here.
I look over the crowd to see if I can see her but she's gone.
"You're early." I hear someone say.
I turn my head and see Jacque.
"Well, so are you. And besides, I wanted to grab a beer before I have to talk to you." I say.
I sit my beer down and look at her.
"Now, why did you have to talk to me for? What is so important that you must tell me?"
Whatever it is, it's probably nothing I could care about. She probably just wanted to see me. Or she just wants me to fuck her again.

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