Chapter 24

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Chapter 24
I woke up early the next morning. I had slept overnight at the hospital. There was no way that I was going to leave Justin's side. I had slept right next to his bed, me still holding his hand and my head resting on the side of the bed.
When I woke up, Justin was still asleep. His breathing had slowed even more, making me worry even more.
Was he ever going to wake up? Was he ever going to be okay? Was he even going to make it?
I brushed my thumb along his hand as I stared at him. All I wanted to see right now was those sparkling brown eyes. I would even settle to see him smile. I just wanted to know that he was alright.
I take my free hand and run my fingers through Justin's hair, gently, so I wouldn't wake him up. I stood up from the chair I was sitting on and leaned over and kissed Justin's forehead.
"I love you," I say, hoping he would hear me.
I let go of Justin's hand and gently lay it back down by his side.
I was going to go down to the hospital's cafeteria to get some breakfast. I was only going to grab something then come straight back. I didn't want to leave Justin alone for too long.
Before I walk out the door, I take one last look at Justin.
"Please, wake up when I get back." I whisper into the room.
I sigh and then walk out of the room.
After I had gone through the line in the cafeteria, I had only grabbed a banana to eat. Their food here really does suck.
As I was walking back, I had to walk by the front desk. And when I did, I couldn't believe who was there.
"Demi?" I say.
Demi looks at me, a wave of relief washing over her face.
"Oh my gosh, Selena!" she says and runs over to me. "Are you okay?"
How did Demi even know that I was here?
"How did you know I was here?" I ask her.
"I drove to the club earlier and saw that it had burnt down. I thought you had gotten hurt so I drove here to the hospital. Are you okay?" she says quickly. She was obviously really worried.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I say and start to walk away.
I wasn't in the mood to talk to her at all. This whole thing is her fault.
"Hey, wait. Why are you so mad for?" Demi asks as she grabs my arm, stopping me.
"Im not mad." I say. "I'm more then mad. I'm pissed!"
Demi's expression softens. "Why? What happened?" she asks.
"What happened? No, it's more like why I'm pissed at you." I reply angrily.
"Me?" She acts like she has no clue what I'm talking about, but maybe she didn't.
"Yes, you! This entire thing is your fault, let's just say that." I say and then walk away from her, heading back towards Justin's room.
I could hear the sound of Demi's heels follow right after me.
When I reach Justin's room, I gently knock, incase he was awake.
"Selena," Demi says as she tries to catch up to me.
I ignore her and wake into Justin's room. I was going to lock the door, but I decided not to. I looked at Justin and saw that he was still asleep.
As I walked over to Justin's side, the door opened and Demi walked in.
"What do you mean this is my fault!" Demi yells right before she noticed Justin laying there in the hospital bed.
"What I mean is that, the whole thing where you made me choose either you or him," I said, pointing to Justin. "This is what has caused everything."
Demi looks at me. "What happened to him." she asks softly, a change in tone.
"He was at the club when it caught on fire. And he was probably there because of everything that has happened between us! Us breaking up because of you." I say.
"Hey, it's not my fault! You could have easily chose him instead of me. You just would have lost your best friend." she says, crossing her arms across her chest.
"Yeah, but then I chose you and lost the person that I love!" I shout. "Couldn't you tell this entire week I was depressed? Sad? Or were you too busy out with Taylor, not caring how your best friend felt?"
Demi takes in a breath but doesn't say anything.
"I should have chose Justin instead of you." I whisper, but it was loud enough for Demi to hear.
"Yeah, you should of." she says, sadly.
I couldn't believe I was fighting with my best friend.
"S-Selena?" I hear a faint voice say.
<Justin's POV>
I slowly open my eyes and look around the room. I realized I was in the hospital.
What happened? All I remembered was dancing with Abby and then leaving to go get another beer.
I groan a little.
I had woken up to two people yelling back and forth at each other. I look over to my left and saw Selena and Demi. Oh my gosh, Selena!
"I should have chose Justin instead of you." Selena whispered, but it was loud enough for Demi to hear.
I knew why they were fighting. It was about the whole thing about Selena having to choose Demi or me. She chose Demi, and it was because I told her to so she wouldn't lose her friendship with Demi. But, I guess now, that doesn't really matter.
"Yeah, you should of." Demi says in a sad tone.
I try to say something but my mouth and throat was completely dry.
I felt so awful right now. I also had a headache which just making me feel even worse.
I try to say Selena's name but nothing would come out. I was going to force her name out.
"S-Selena." I faintly say.
But I guess trying to force something out to say when your throat is completely dry, isn't the best thing. I started coughing, badly.
Selena quickly turned around and looked at me.
"Justin!" Selena shouts and came to my side. She immediately took my hand in hers.
I kept coughing and coughing. I needed water or something. I was coughing so hard that I could barely breathe. Not even this oxygen mask was helping me. Then, I felt as if I was going to throw up.
Selena could tell something was wrong.
"Justin," she said softly, a worried tone.
I quickly sat up and removed the oxygen mask from my mouth. I coughed a couple more times before I suddenly started coughing up blood.
"Oh my gosh, Justin!" Selena cried out as she put her hand on my back.
I looked down at myself and saw blood all over my hospital gown, the sheets, and blood was dripping down from my lip.
"It's okay. I'm going to get a doctor." Selena says as she presses the help button to bring a nurse to my room.
"It's going to be okay, baby." Selena says as I feel her thumb brush along my hand.
I look up at her and saw that she crying before I started to cough up more blood.

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