Chapter 12

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Chapter 12
I pulled up into my driveway of my house and put the car in park before I took the keys in my hand. I silently took in a deep breath before I looked over at Selena, who was already looking at me.
"So, uh, let's go inside." I stuttered as I opened up my car door. Selena got out of the car as well and followed me up to my front door of the house. I unlocked the door and pushed the door open, turning on the lights to the house so we could see.
"Wow." Selena said as she walked inside.
"What?" I asked, putting my jacket up on the coat hook.
"I didn't know your house was this big. Are you rich or something?" Selena asked as she looked around at the house before looking at me. "Uh, it's a long story." I said.
And it really was. But I'm not going to tell her why I have this big house and why I'm rich because it's not worth it. Plus, she would probably run off and tell everyone at school. And I don't need that.
"Oh," she said as she slid her hand across the kitchen counter.
I went to the fridge and grabbed myself a beer and grabbed Selena a bottle of water. And don't be surprised that I have beer in my fridge. Did you really think I wouldn't?
I tossed Selena her water before I unscrewed the cap on my beer and took a big sip of it.
"Why did you want to come over to my house?" I suddenly blurted out into the room.
Selena shrugged.
"There has to be a reason. You wouldn't just want to come to the person you hate house."
Selena stayed quiet. "I just-I don't know why." Selena said as she grabbed her bottle of water.
Something must be up with Selena. She hates me, and as in hate me, I mean she probably wants to rip my head off. She would of never of asked to come over here to my house, ever. Why would she anyways? Something's up, and I wanna know what she's up to.
"Tell me why you wanted to come over to my house, Selena." I said more sternly.
"I just wanted to, okay?" Selena said.
"Really? Cause the last time I checked, you hated my guts and wanted nothing to do with me. I doubt you would even want to come to my house if you hate me so much." I shot back at her.
Selena crossed her arms as she took in a breath. She was silent.
"Tell me." I repeated. "I don't fucking know Justin!" Selena yelled.
I shook my head. "Okay. Whatever." I said and began to walk upstairs.
I heard Selena follow me after a few seconds. I walked into my bedroom and sat down on my bed. Selena walked into the room as well.
"Nice room." she said softly.
"Yeah." I said.
Selena walked over and sat down in the spot next to me on my bed. I looked at her. I could kiss her right now. But I won't. I'm not going to kiss her ever again until she's mine.
"Do you really want to know why I wanted to come to your house instead of me just going home?" Selena asked me as she looked up into my eyes before quickly looking back down.
I raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah." I said, maybe a little to excitedly.
Selena sighed.
"I wanted to come over here because," she paused.
"Cause why?" I asked, gesturing for her to continue on.
But she remained silent.
I sighed. "It's fine. You don't have to tell me." I said as I stood up from the bed.
I started to walk out of my bedroom when Selena stood up from the bed and grabbed my arm.
"I wanted to come here because I like you." Selena blurted out.
I turned and looked at her.
Did she just say that she likes me? Don't get your hopes up though Justin, she probably means as a friend now.
"Oh, cool." I said and freed my arm from Selena's grip.
I saw her face soften. "W-what?" Selena stuttered. "It's cool that you like me. Maybe now we can try and be friends." I said.
But, as I looked into Selena's eyes after I said that, I could tell that what she meant by her liking me is different then what I thought she meant.
Selena's eyes watered.
"Wait," I said turning so my whole body was facing her. Selena held her head low.
"You meant it in a different way, didn't you?"
Selena slowly nodded her head.
"I shouldn't have said anything though." Selena said.
"But, Selena," I said. "I l-like you too." I stuttered.
This was different for me. I have never told a girl that I like them, and actually mean it.
Selena picked her head up and looked up at me. She slightly smiled at me but her smile quickly faded.
"What? Isn't that what you wanted to hear? Didn't you want that to be my reply?" I asked.
Selena stayed quiet for a moment.
"Yeah, but you probably don't even mean it." Selena said.
I went to say something but she cut me off.
"You don't even commit to having a real relationship with someone. You only fuck them then leave them and find someone else. You,"
I stepped in towards Selena and put my hands on her arms.
"Selena, I meant it." I said.
Selena looked me in the eyes. She sighed.
"But I don't want to be another one of those girls that you fuck and then leave them." Selena said.
"But you're different then all the other girls, Selena." I said, honestly.
"You're probably just saying that." she whispered but just loud enough for me to hear.
"No, I'm not. Selena, I like you. Yes, I like other girls too, but I really like you. I'm not just saying this to be saying it. I have never admitted to a girl that I actually like them. You're the only one. If that doesn't prove to you that I like you, then I don't know what will." Selena grew a small smile on her face.
"Okay. But, what does this mean? I mean, you've never committed to a relationship and I doubt you'll start now. So..."
Selena trailed off. I smiled as I took her hand and looked her in the eyes.
"I can always start though." I said.
Selena smiled big.
I wrapped my arms around her and pressed my lips to hers as her arms wrapped around my neck.

The Bad Boy - Jelena FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora