Chapter 22

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Chapter 22
*One Week Later*
<Justin's POV>
I take another sip of my beer as I continue to grind against the girl I was with, named Abby. I had just met her here at the club. She came up to me and asked me if I wanted to dance and of course I said yes.
To be honest, I thought I would be enjoying this, cause I mean, Abby is really good at grinding, holy fuck. But actually, this isn't enjoyable what-so-ever.
Yeah, Abby is a pretty girl and she can certainly dance, but she's not Selena.She's been on my mind since we broke up and I can't stop thinking about her, no matter how hard I try not to.
"I can't do this," I say under my breath.
I shake my head and then gently push Abby away from me. She quickly turns around and looks at me.
"What?" Abby asks, giving me the why-did-you-stop-me look.
"I need to go get another beer." I lie.
"Oh, well I'll come with you." she says.
I shake my head. "No. I'll just bring you one back, okay?" I say.
She shrugs her shoulders. "Okay, I guess."
I go to walk back over to the bar when I feel Abby grab my arm and spin me back around towards her. Before I could react I felt her smash her lips against mine. I was a little taken back by her action but then slowly started to kiss her back.
Usually I would be down for kissing a girl, but not this time. Selena popped into my mind again making me pull away from Abby.
"Stop." I say as she tries to kiss me again.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" she asks.
I don't reply and then just walk off.
<Selena's POV>
I look at my clock and realize that it's only 9:45 p.m. I sigh as I lean my head back on the couch and continue to watch The Notebook. All I have been doing today, and the last week, is just watch the same movies over and over again.
And all I can think about is Justin. I can't get him out of my mind. I miss him so much. Every time I think about him I start to cry, which is what I'm starting to do now.
I hear footsteps come down the stairs and quickly wipe my eyes and tears away. I look up at Demi as she walks into the living room.
"You're watching this again?" Demi asks as she sits down on the couch. I nod my head.
I haven't really talked to Demi since what she made me do. And I don't think she realizes how heartbroken I am. Some best friend, huh?
"Oh my gosh Selena, would you just get over Justin? It's not like he actually loved you and you loved him back! Go out and do something for a chance! Have fun." Demi says.
I look at her like she was crazy. Who does she think she is to say that Justin probably never really loved me back or that I didn't love him?
I was going to say something but then idea hit me. Maybe I could go out. And by out, I mean out to the club.
Justin should be there, shouldn't he? He goes every night. Knowing my luck he won't be there tonight. But I won't know until I get there.
"Actually, you're right. I will go out." I say getting up from the couch and walking over to grab my jacket.
"Really? I wanna go, you know, to hang out for once? Where we going to go?" she asks.
Does she really think I'm going to take her?
"You're not going anywhere. But I'm going to the club. Bye." I say quickly before grabbing my car keys and walking out the front door.
<Justin's POV>
I was sitting on a stool by all the drinks, drinking down my fifth bottle of beer. I was drunk. And I'm glad I was. It got my mind off of Selena for a few hours which made me not feel so broken hearted.
I was about to ask the boy who was working all the alcohol if I could have another beer, but I heard someone yell at another guy, causing a commotion. I look over to my right and see a guy, around my age, holding a lighter in his hand with a cigar in his mouth. People aren't aloud to smoke in the club, but people do it anyways.
"Don't light that unless you want thrown out!" another boy yelled to him.
"You're not my mom, so don't tell me what to do." the guy with the cigar said. You could tell he was drunk because his words were slurred.
I watched as he was about to light the cigar and the other boy smacked the lighter out of his hand, causing the lighter to fly across the room, landing into a puddle of spilt alcohol. Then suddenly, all of the alcohol that was over where the lighter fell, it burst into flames. You could hear all the gasps in the room.
"Everyone! Out!" I heard someone yell making everyone start to run towards the door.
I quickly got up from my stool and was going to join in the crowd of trying to get the hell out of the club when I bumped into Abby.
"You never came back over to me!" she yelled at me.
Was this really the time to be yelling at me for not coming back with her damn beer when the fucking club is bursting into flames?
"Abby, we need to get out of here!" I say just as we both duck from the sound of beer bottles and other alcohol bottles shattering.
"Come on," I say, ignoring her yelling at me, and grab her hand and start to run us towards the doors. But since I was drunk, it wasn't easy running. I was tripping over nothing, barely able to even run.
I felt Abby let go of my hand, making me stop and turn around. I saw that another guy had grabbed her by her arm. Out of no where, he just slaps her and starts to whisper something in her ear.
I duck as pieces from a chair start flying my way. I look over and see that multiple fights are going on around us. Obviously the people who were drunk and we're mostly likely going to get killed if they don't get the hell out of here.
Normally, I would run and save my own ass, but something inside of me told me I had to save Abby.
I run over and punch the guy right in the nose, hearing a crack, indicating I broke his nose, and watched as he fell to the floor.
"You okay?" I ask, even though my words came out slurred.
She nods her head just as a bunch of fire explodes in the back of the club, making the fire stretch more throughout the club. The fire was close to blocking off the doors, our only way to get out.
"We need to go, Justin!" Abby cries.
I nod my head and start to run us towards the doors again when I feel something hit my head and shatter. I fall to the floor, my head spinning. I see Abby crouch next to me and shake me a little as my eyes start to close.
The last thing I see is the same guy I punched in the nose take Abby and run to the doors of the club, then fire start to surround me before my eyes close.
<Selena's POV>
I've been driving for about twenty minutes now, trying to figure out where the hell the club is that Justin goes to. I can't seem to find it. I know it's like five or ten minutes away from our school, but I don't see it anywhere. Did I make a wrong turn somewhere?
I sigh as I was about to turn back around to go the other way when I saw a bright color up ahead. Almost as if it was a fire. I kept driving until I saw that it was a fire.
Then I realized, it was the club that was on fire.
I quickly go and park my car on the side of the rode, away from the burning building.
I see about three fire trucks and all the fireman working on putting the fire out with the hose. I then see multiple fireman run out of the building, carrying people in their hands.
I run over to one of the fire trucks where a lot of people where standing.
"What happened?" I hear a fireman ask.
"All I know is that I think someone set all the alcohol on fire and this was the result of doing that. I really don't know because I was dancing with my girlfriend." one boy says.
I turn my attention the other way when I hear a girl crying and freaking out. I walk over to where I could hear what she was saying.
"What's wrong? Calm down," a fireman says.
"There's a guy in there still! He got knocked out by a man trying to get me away from him! You have to go find him! Please!" she cried.
"I have people in the building right now, but they're coming out in about two minutes because this building is about to collapse. If they don't find him, I'm sorry." the fireman says before he runs off.
I was starting to worry. What if Justin was in the club? Did he get out okay? Was he hurt? Then something hit me that maybe the guy this girl was talking about was Justin. Oh, no. Please don't tell me it's him.
I walk over to the girl as she wipes her eyes with the back of her hand.
"Hey, I over heard you talking about the guy that is still in there? What did he look like?" I ask her nicely.
She sniffles. "He had brown hair that was like gelled up in the front. He had brown eyes and he had multiple tattoos on his arms and chest." she says.
"D-did you by any chance know what his name was?" I ask.
"I think he said his name was, like, Justin. I'm not sure though."
I immediately felt my heart drop into my stomach. This couldn't be true. Maybe it's not him? Maybe it's somebody else?
I look up and see that firefighters dragging somebody out of the fire. I watch as they drag him over to an ambulance.
I run over to them but stop a few feet away as I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand. I watch as they strap Justin onto a stretcher and put a oxygen mask on him.
"Justin!" I scream and run over to his side.
When I get to him, I look to see his eyes closed. He wasn't moving.
"Oh God, no!" I cry.
I shake him as I yell his name but he doesn't do anything.
"Miss, please move." a firefighter person says as he tries to move me away from Justin.
"We're loosing him!" a ambulance person yells. "Put him in the ambulance fast. He needs to be taken to the hospital before we lose him and we lose our chances on saving him!"
The tears stream down my face as I watch them put Justin into the back of the ambulance and quickly rush to the hospital.


I'm admitting that I did cry while writing this chapter. And I probably will cry for the next couple chapters as well.

Which I need to tell you that there is only a FEW chapters left for TBB until it ends!

I'm hoping you guys are enjoying this story as much as I am writing it for you!


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