Chapter 26

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Chapter 26
*Two Days Later*
I had my head resting on the side of the bed, with my eyes closed as I was trying to take a little nap, when I heard Justin sit up really quick. I picked my head up and saw that he had took off his oxygen mask and was coughing.
I quickly reached over and grabbed a few tissues from the tissue box that was close by and held them under Justin's mouth. I put my hand on Justin's back, rubbing his back in a soothingly way, as he started to cough up a small amount of blood.
"It's okay," I say softly, even though I know it's not.
Justin's condition has got even worse, starting yesterday. Every few hours he coughs up blood because of the lack of oxygen he gets through the oxygen mask.
The doctors are aware, but they tell me not to worry. How can I not worry? My boyfriend is coughing up blood, and you think I'm not going to worry about him?
The doctors still haven't even tired to clear the smoke in his lungs yet. I don't know what they are waiting for.
I wipe Justin's mouth off with the tissues, making sure to wipe off all the blood. Justin groans as he runs his hand through his hair before he lays back down in the hospital bed.
I throw away the tissues before I walk back over and help Justin put his oxygen mask back on. When I go to help him, he smacks my hands away from him. I widen my eyes a little, shocked of Justin's action.
"What?" I ask. "Do you think you're gonna start coughing again?"
Justin doesn't say anything. I get ready to say his name when he finally speaks up.
"I don't want the damn oxygen mask on." Justin says angrily.
I sigh. "I know you hate having it on, but you need it on. It's to help you breath better." I say, putting my hand on his shoulder, only for him to push my hand away again.
"I don't fucking care if it helps me breath!" Justin shouts.
"What do you mean?" I say, before I hear Justin start to let out a few soft coughs.
"What I mean is that I'm tired of having that stupid oxygen mask on. It barely helps, so I don't see why I have to have it on. I'm tired of coughing up blood almost every hour, every fucking day. And this is all because the damn doctors haven't even tried to clean out my lungs! I would probably be better by now if they would actually try and help me." Justin yells.
I know this is rough, but there's really nothing I can do but be next to his side and try and comfort him.
"I wish I could just die right now. I just want my lungs to finally give out on me and let me die." he says softly.
I feel my eyes start to water.
"Justin, don't say that!" I shout.
"Why? I told you, I'm done with this! Besides, you wouldn't fucking care if I died." he yells.
"Yes I would, and you know it. You know that I love you." I say angrily because I couldn't believe what he was saying.
"Then why did you leave me for Demi? If you loved me, even if I told you to choose Demi, you should of still chose me."
I shake my head. Why is he acting like this?
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I yell at him.
"Let's see, my lungs are filled with smoke and are about to give out on me. I constantly keep coughing up blood. And you know what?" Justin pauses. "I wouldn't be in this condition if you hadn't of chose Demi instead! It's your fault I'm like this! It's your fault I'm most likely going to die!"
I felt tears roll down my cheeks. Justin looked me in the eyes and that's when his face softened, realizing what he had just said. He went to say something but started to cough up blood again.
"Selena," he choked through his coughing. I shake my head.
"I'm sorry." I say.
Instead of helping Justin, I walk to the door and walk out of the room. I could hear Justin yell my name as I walked away, wiping away my tears.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I was sitting on the floor, my back up against the wall, the tears still falling down my face. I couldn't believe what Justin said, "It's your fault I'm like this! It's your fault I'm most likely going to die!"
I know it's my fault. I know it's my fault for choosing Demi instead of Justin. If I would have chose Justin, him being at the club that night to try and get drunk and forget about me, he wouldn't have been in the fire. He wouldn't have almost got killed. He wouldn't be in the condition he's in now. Justin wouldn't be having trouble breathing and having to use an oxygen to help his breathing if I would have just chose him. It is all my fault.
But Justin didn't have to remind me of that.
I shake my head before I put my face into my hands. I hated myself so much right now. Why couldn't Justin and I switch places right now? I deserve to be in Justin's condition for I've done, not him.
I don't even deserve to have Justin back as mine after this is all over. He deserves someone better. And I know he can get any girl he wants; easily. He would easily forget about me in no time.
I don't know how long I have been sitting here on the floor, but I know it's probably been more then over thirty minutes. I was actually starting to think about just leaving the hospital for the day and then maybe come back tomorrow.
But I know I can't leave Justin. He would hate me even more if I left him; again.
I sniffle right as I hear the sound of heels walk my way.
"Selena?" I hear someone say.
I pick up my head and see Demi.
"W-what are you doing here?" I ask.
"Why are you crying for?" she asks. "Justin didn't, um," I knew what she was gonna ask so I cut her off by shaking my head no. Demi sighs in relief.
"Why are you here?" I ask again.
Demi walks over and takes a seat next to me.
"I needed to talk to you." Demi starts. "I really feel awful, about everything. You were right, I wasn't being a true friend to you at all. It was stupid of me to make you chose between Justin and I. I should have been okay with you being with him. And I am. I realized how much you actually cared about him. It's obvious that you love him. I'm so sorry Selena. For everything. And I want Justin and you to get back together."
I smile a little but it quickly fades. "I'm sorry too, Demi. But, I don't think Justin and I getting back together is going to happen." I say sadly.
"What? Why?" she asks, her eyes widening.
"It's my fault he's in this condition. It's my fault that," Demi quickly cuts me off. "Don't say it's your fault. It's mine, Selena. I'm the one who made you choose. I should have never of done that to Justin and you. But please, don't say it's your fault. Cause it's not." Demi says.
"He hates me now though." I say looking down away from her.
"I doubt that." she says. "Go talk to him. I know he's not mad, trust me. He could never hate you, Selena."
I smile and lean over and give Demi a hug. "Thanks, Demi." I say.
We both stand up from sitting on the floor.
"Could you tell Justin I said I'm sorry for everything that's happened, for me?" I nodded my head. Demi smiled.
"I'm going to go. But call me if you need me, okay?" she says, giving me another hug.
"I will." I say.
I watch as Demi leaves before I start to make my way back to Justin's room.

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