Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
Driving with Taylor in my car to the club is a lot more peaceful and enjoyable then with Jacque in the car.
Jacque will constantly run her fat ass mouth about shit that I don't even care about and she'll constantly ask me if I'm actually listening. I say I am but in reality, I'm not.
But with Taylor, she's actually quiet. She doesn't talk at all unless I ask her something. Which it is a little annoying that she won't try and start a conversation with me, but it's good to have a quiet girl for once.
"So uh, Taylor," I said to try and start a conversation. "How long have you and Selena been friends?" I could feel Taylor's eyes on me. "I'd say since preschool or even longer. We've been best friends for forever." Taylor said. I slightly nodded my head.
The car became quiet again. "Justin," Taylor said, for once speaking up to start a conversation. "I-I don't think I should do this." I raised an eyebrow. "Do what?" I asked confused. "B-be here with you. And out to the club with y-you." she stuttered.
I took a deep breath. "Listen, I honestly don't give a fuck about what Selena thinks about what you should and shouldn't be doing. You are your own person. You can do whatever you want. You don't need to listen to Selena." I said.
"I know that but she's my best friend!" Taylor exclaimed. "You don't always have to do whatever your best friend says. Be your own person Taylor!" I shouted. "But is being my own person worth losing my best friend?" Taylor shouted back.
"Answer this for me. What do you want to do? Be with me or be with Selena right now?" I asked. Taylor didn't reply right away. "Answer!" I shouted. "You!" Taylor spoke up.
"Then why don't you listen to yourself instead of listening to Selena?" I asked. Again, Taylor became silent.
I pressed on the brake pedal as I came to a red light. When the car stopped I snapped my head at Taylor.
"Fine. Don't be your own person." I said. "Listen to Selena all your life. And since she doesn't want you to be with me," I paused as I leaned over and unlocked her door and opened it. "Get out of my car." Taylor's eyes widened.
"W-what?" Taylor said. "Unless you want to listen to yourself and not Selena, get out." I said. "N-no." Taylor stuttered. "I-I'm listening to myself. I'm not getting out."
I smirked as the light turned green. "Shut the door." I ordered. I waited as Taylor closed her car door before I pushed on the gas pedal.
It was so easy to get Taylor to listen to me. Tonight should be fun. I grinned to myself as I started thinking of all the things that I could get her to do tonight for me.
It was another 10 to 15 minutes before we finally reached the club. And the whole rest of that car ride was completely silent.
I parked my car and got out. I waited for Taylor to get out of the car before I locked my car. "Come on," I said and began to walk up to the doors of the club.
As soon as I opened them the music blasted in mine and Taylor's face. There was a ton of people here tonight too.
I grabbed onto Taylor's hand. "Don't let go of my hand or you'll lose me in the crowd." I informed her and she nodded. I pulled her along behind me as I started to walk through the crowd.
People constantly bumped into me, which was pissing me off. I looked over my shoulder at Taylor and saw her staring at something. I looked the direction she was looking and saw a couple making out on the wall and then another couple where the guy was grinding on the girl.
I stopped which made Taylor stop. "We can do those things here soon babe." I whispered into Taylor's ear. I smirked as I looked at her face which you could tell she was now nervous. I laughed to myself as I began to walk Taylor and I through the crowd of people again.
I finally was able to get through the crowd and get to the drinks. "Finally, damn." I said as I grabbed two beer bottles. I turned around and held out one of the beer bottles for Taylor. She shook her head.
"I don't drink." Taylor said. "And this is illegal. We're not of age." I laughed to myself. "Well you drink now. And who's give a damn if we're not of age?" I said and put the beer bottle in her hand.
She looked at the beer then back up at me. "Take a sip of it." I said. Taylor brought the bottle up close to her mouth but stopped. "Just take a drink!"
Taylor hesitated but then finally took a sip of it. I raised an eyebrow waiting for her to say something. "It's not that bad." Taylor said before she took another sip. I smiled then took a drink of my own.
Then a good song came on. Everyone in the club must really liked the song too because the whole club was filled with cheers and screaming.
I sat my beer bottle down then turned to Taylor. She was taking another sip of the beer. I laughed. I grabbed the beer from her hand and sat it down next to mine before I turned back to Taylor and grabbed her hand.
"Come on," I said and began to make my way through the crowd again. "Wait, where are we going? Are we leaving already?" Taylor asked me. I stopped as I had reached the middle of the dance floor.
"Leaving?" I said. Taylor nodded her head. "Oh, no. Trust me," I walked behind Taylor and put my face in the space between her neck and her shoulder. My lips were just barely touching Taylor's ear.
"I'm just getting started babe." I put my hands on Taylor's shoulders and slowly slid them down her arms until I reached her hands and held her hands in mine.
I kept my lips right by her ear, making sure that every time I exhaled that my hot breath would hit her neck.
"Are you ready to have a little, fun?" I whispered into her ear. Taylor bit her lip as she nodded her head slightly. I let go of her hands and wrapped my arms around her. She put her hands on my hands.
"You sure? You seem unsure." I whispered. Taylor shook her head. "I'm not unsure." Taylor said. Her voice was shaky. I smirked.
I unwrapped my arms around Taylor and put my hands on her hips. I slid my hands up Taylor's sides slowly as I looked at her. She was looking at my hands. She was obviously nervous.
I moved my hands up and down Taylor's sides slowly. When my hands reached the top of Taylor's skirt, I grabbed ahold of the end of Taylor's shirt. I could feel Taylor watching my hands.
I slowly pulled Taylor's shirt up a little when Taylor put her hand on my hand, stopping me. "Relax." I quickly whispered into Taylor's ear. Taylor hesitantly moved her hand away and letted me continue.
I pulled her shirt up a little more before I put my hands under her shirt. I kissed Taylor's shoulder as I moved my hand up and down Taylor's sides again, my hands still being under her shirt.
I pressed my lips against Taylor's neck and began to kiss her neck slowly. Taylor leaned her neck to the side as she raised her arm up and put her hand on the back of my neck. I could tell she was enjoying this now.
I slid my hands down to the top of Taylor's skirt as I began to suck on Taylor's neck. Making sure that I would leave a mark afterwards.
I slowly started to slid my hands down Taylor's skirt a little then would slid my hands back up, teasing her.
After a couple times of teasing her, I finally slid my hands down her skirt further. I was now kissing and sucking on Taylor's neck roughly.
I was about to start playing with Taylor's panties when some dumbass bumped into me. I pulled my hands out of Taylor's skirt and stopped kissing her neck as I turned to the person who bumped into me. It was a drunk guy.
"Watch it dumbass." I said and pushed him down to the floor. "Well if you weren't fucking your girl right in the middle of the floor, I wouldn't have bumped into you." the guy said, his words coming out slurred. "I'm not fucking her yet idiot. Open up your damn eyes." I said angrily.
I took ahold of Taylor's hand and pulled her behind me as I made my way back to the drinks. "Here." I said as I had grabbed another beer for Taylor and had put it in her hands. I grabbed one for me as well.
We both began to chug down our beer. And before I knew it, we were both on our second beer. By the time I was half way done with my second beer, I was craving to have my hands on Taylor.
So I sat my beer down and made Taylor put hers down as well. I could tell she didn't know what I was doing or what I was up to.
I put my hand on Taylor's back and pushed her into my chest. My lips smashed against hers. And surprisingly, Taylor immediately started to kiss back and then wrapped her arms around my neck.
I wrapped my arms around Taylor's lower back which brought her closer to me. I wanted to press her up against a wall but we weren't near a wall.
Our lips began to move in sync as I moved my hands down to Taylor's ass and gave it a squeeze which made Taylor gasp into the kiss. That was the perfect time for me to stick my tongue I her mouth, so I did. I explored her mouth as my breathing was picking up, becoming uneven.
Moments later I pulled away because I need to gasp for air. But an idea hit me. "Come here," I said and pulled Taylor back out to the middle of the floor.
I made Taylor stand in front of me, like earlier. "What are we doing?" Taylor asked. Her words were slightly slurred. I could tell she was a little drunk.
Tonight is getting better and better. And the best part so far? Selena can't stop me.
"Just relax." I said and soothingly rubbed her arm. I turned Taylor around so her back was facing me. I then put my hands on each side of Taylor's waist. I got close to Taylor's ear. "Relax." I repeated.
I slowly then began to rock my hips back and forth on Taylor, grinding on her. I rocked my hips back and forth to the beat of the music, so my hips were moving in a fast pace.
It wasn't very long until Taylor picked up what I was doing and began to move her hips in motion with mine. I felt myself smile as our hips moved in perfect motion.
This felt so good. I've done this with a couple other girls but Taylor, my gosh. She's amazing.
But my happiness soon ended when I heard someone yell Taylor's name. I snapped my head up and saw Selena standing there. How the fuck did she find out where we were, what club we where at?
I stopped grinding on Taylor as she stopped too. "What the fuck Taylor!" Selena yelled. "What are you doing here?" Taylor asked angrily. "To come and get you." Selena stated.
"I'm having fun with Justin, leave us alone." Taylor said. Selena shook her head no.
"Leave, Selena." I chimed in to the conversation. Selena gave me a death glare. "Shut the hell up." Selena snapped at me.
"Is that-is that a hickey?" Selena asked as she looked at Taylor. Taylor was quiet. Selena grabbed Taylor's hand and pulled her away from me.
"You're an asshole." Selena said to me. "Come on Taylor."
Selena went to try and walk away with Taylor but I stopped her. "I'll let Taylor go, on one condition." I said. Selena raised her eyebrow. "You have to stay here with me for the rest of the night." Selena eyes widened.
"So who would you rather have me fuck tonight? Your best friend, or you?" I asked with a smirk. Selena shook her head in disgust.
Then, a guy that was walking by had a beer glass in his hand. Selena reached over and grabbed it out of his hand and then she splashed the beer in my face.
"You're never going to fuck me, or any of my friends, ever. Got it?" Selena said before she turned and walked away with Taylor.

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