Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
I took a few steps back, Justin making sure that he kept his lips pressed against mine as he walked forwards.
Was this really happening? Was Justin really kissing me? I wasn't kissing him back, and I didn't want to kiss him back.
I felt Justin turn me around quickly before he pushed me backwards, my back crashing into the wall. I gasped as that had hurt and I wasn't prepared for that.
I felt Justin's hand go down to my butt and gently squeeze it. I gasped again. Justin's other hand was on my cheek, his thumb brushing back and forth against my skin.
He was kissing me roughly, even though I wasn't kissing him back at all. I think Justin finally realized I wasn't going to kiss him back because he pulled his lips away from mine. But he kept them close, very close, to my lips, them almost just barely touching mine.
He put his hands up on the wall, on either side of my head. He opened his eyes and looked at me in the eyes. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't. I didn't know what to say after what had just happened.
He just kissed me. Why? Don't ask me because I have no idea.
Justin's hot breath was hitting against my neck, giving me a chill. I looked into Justin's eyes and his eyes were sparkling.
Holy shit, he had beautiful eyes. His eyes were combination of a light hazel color and a dark brown color. I've never noticed that before about him. Wait....what am I saying?
"Selena," Justin whispered in a husky voice, his eyes still locked on mine. The way he just said my name gave me a chill.
Oh my gosh, what is happening? Why am I getting chills? Why is he giving me this amazing feeling? No, make it stop.
"Go out with me tonight." I looked deep into his eyes. You could see the determination in them to make me go out with him. "N-no." I said. Why am I stuttering now? "You're a player."
Justin licked his lips. Gosh, the way he licked his lips was just so sexy....oh my, Selena stop! "Just give me a chance." Justin said, his breath still hitting my neck. I shook my head.
"You can't even commit to a relationship. You have to constantly take a different girl out everyday." I said truthfully. Justin looked down away from me for a moment before he looked back up into my eyes. "It's different with you." Justin said softly.
It's different with me? What does he mean? I felt my stomach do flips. "W-what do you mean?" I asked.
There goes my stuttering again. Why was he making me nervous? Please, don't tell me I'm falling for him. Please.
"I mean," Justin said stepping closer in to me, taking his hands off of the wall and putting one on my waist and the other on my cheek. "You're so different from the others." I gulped nervously. "H-how?" I asked stuttering nervously.
I don't get why I'm so nervous all of a sudden. I mean, he's Justin. The "bad boy" in school, that I hate so much. Why am I nervous now around him?
"How?" Justin asked, as if he didn't hear what I said. I nodded my head. "You're the only who's told me no to going out with me to the club. You're the only one who has actually came after their friends to get them away from me."
He leaned in close to me, his lips right by my ear. "Compared to the other girls," Justin's hand slid down my side and grabbed my butt. "You're sexy as fuck." His words made me shiver.
"And I'm pretty sure you're going to be the only one who's actually good in bed." Justin whispered sexily into my ear.
Justin looked back into my eyes. "It's a shame you won't give me a chance to take you out for one night. Cause I could show you that I'm not going to be some player with you. I could show you that you wouldn't regret going out for me one night." Justin paused as he attached his lips to my neck.
"I could show you, that, I'm everything, that you need, and want." he said in-between each kiss. I bit my lip as Justin found my sweet spot.
"Shit," I breathed out in a low whisper. But Justin heard me cause I felt him smile against my neck. He then started to suck on my neck and gently bite at my skin.
Before I could stop myself, I wrapped myself around Justin's neck and a soft moan escaped my mouth. Justin pulled away from kissing my neck, which I'm sure he's made a mark there now, great.
He looked back into my eyes, bringing his lips closer to mine. I looked at his lips. I suddenly felt the urge to kiss him right then and there.
Wait....he's just made me moan and now I'm wanting to kiss him? No, no, no. I can't be falling for him. Just, no.
I looked back up at Justin's eyes and saw him staring at my lips. When he looked up from staring at my lips to now staring into my eyes I could see his eyes sparkling again.
Then, Justin started to lean in. I just watched as his lips came closer to smashing against mine. But then I found myself leaning in too.
Right as Justin's lips were about to touch mine, I shook my head and put my hands on Justin's chest. I gently pushed him away. He looked at me.
"What?" Justin asked. "I-I can't. No." I said looking down to the floor. Then it all hit me.
I'm in this classroom with the one person I hate the most in this entire school. Im with the "bad boy" and I'm becoming nervous around him and stuttering badly. I'm in here with a player. And the worst part of this all? I think that I'm falling for him now. I'm falling for the bad boy.
"You can't what?" he asked. I could feel his eyes burning into me. "I-I can't be here with you. I-I need to leave." I said and tried to wiggle out of Justin's hold. But he only pressed me back against the wall.
"Selena," he said huskily. "Just give me a chance." I shook my head. "Please." he practically begged. "Why should I?" I asked sharper then I attended to.
Justin pressed his body against mine. "I want to show you that I'm everything that you need in you're life. I want to show you that I'm the only one for you." Justin said, stroking a lock of my hair out of my face. I looked up into his eyes. "Let me just show you." he whispered, his lips just barely touching mine.
I was just about to regret doing this, I could see it now. I nodded my head slightly.
Then Justin's lips smashed against mine. This time though, I did kiss back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him closer to me.
It was like I couldn't control my actions now. I was practically under Justin's spell. I was under his control.
Our lips moved in sync as Justin put his hands underneath my thighs. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist as he held me up, pressing my back up against the wall again.
I ran my fingers through his hair, gently pulling at the ends of the little hairs on his neck. I felt Justin move his hands out from under my legs and bring them to my shorts. I felt Justin unbutton my shorts.
You would think that I would stop him right? I didn't.
But as soon as he started to pull down my shorts, the school bell rang. Justin groaned.
He pulled his lips away from mine. But I brought his lips back to mine, wanting him to keep his lips against mine forever. He pulled back away though.
"After school. Meet me at my car." Justin said as he buttoned my shorts back up and then gently put me back on my feet. I nodded my head.
Justin kissed me on my forehead before he walked out of the classroom. I stood there just staring at the empty classroom. I bit my lip and then looked out the door. I watched as Justin walked off.
I couldn't believe what had just happened. I couldn't believe what I had just done.
Holy shit.

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