Dangerous(Peaky Blinders-John Shelby{Modern Day} Part 4)

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*Ella's pov*

Life was hectic with the reopening of The Garrison a job I was rather enjoying...the return of Polly's son Michael...on top of still dealing with this agent Campbell...the guys were getting ready for a race which I eventually found out wasn't going to go well..with the kids with the nanny I was at the Garrison handling some stuff when Tommy walked in "Hey.."

Thomas leaned his arms against the bar "Can we talk?"

I nodded "We can go to the office."

He nodded "Bring the whiskey."

I grabbed a bottle and a glass then followed him into my office closing the door behind me "What's going on?"

Thomas sat down pouring a glass "You know how we told you what was going to happen at the races there is more the guys know but I need to tell someone someone I trust with my life...you."

I nodded "Okay.."

He sighed "I have to kill Henry Russell only way to get Campbell off our backs...but Elle I don't think I'll make it out alive so I need to know that if I don't you'll keep this family going...I do not want you involved in our illegal business I forbid it you're too good for that but I want to know the rest you and Michael will keep going making all of it even greater."

I slowly sat down "Why me?"

Thomas sighed "Because you are strong enough to not be persuaded by the illegal side of the family business you are stubborn and strong willed and bloody smart...I trust John and Arthur but I trust you with this more plus it means my niece and nephews are well taken care of."

I nodded "But Tommy.."

He nodded "I know...Elle you keep our family together you keep us in line you always have I want to insure if anything happens to any of us you and the children will be well taken care of."

I sighed deeply "I'm pregnant."

Thomas looked up at me "Does John know?"

I shook my head "Not yet....so that means you have to come home after all this I won't let this baby grow up not knowing how great his or her Uncle Tommy is."

He sighed "Ella."

I stood up placing my hands on my desk "Promise me Tommy."

Thomas nodded "I promise."

I sighed deeply "And please don't tell John I want him focused on coming home to me and the children alive."

He stood up "You have my word Ella.."

I nodded "Okay."

Thomas kissed my forehead "Promise you if I don't make it home and that baby is a boy you name him after me."

I nodded "I will."

He nodded "Now you focus on that baby on my nephews and niece if I make it home you will be my first stop."

I nodded "Okay."

Thomas placed a brotherly kiss to my forehead then left..

The day came so while the children were still sleeping I stood with John in the kitchen as he checked his guns "Baby..."

John looked up "It will be fine love."

I sighed "John can you take it serious please.'

He sat his gun down taking my face in his hands "I will be fine baby I swear then I'm coming home and making love to my gorgeous wife.."

I sighed softly as he let his forehead rest against mine "John."

John let his thumbs brush across my cheeks "I have been through too much to finally make you mine I'm not leaving you any time soon...we got more kids to make."

I shook my head letting out a soft chuckled "John.."

He smiled letting his lips brush mine "I love you..."

I sighed "I love you too..."

John pulled me closer capturing my lips in a sweet kiss

I gripped his suit jacket as I pulled away "Come home to us."

He nodded "I will be home tonight...I want you in that little number I got you a couple weeks ago waiting in bed for me understood...I already asked Robbie and Esme to keep the kids tonight...they're more than excited to get the practice in before the twins arrive."

I nodded "Okay.."

John sighed putting his guns in the holsters then putting on his jacket "I love you Elle."

I nodded "I love you too..."

He leaned down pressing a quick kiss to my lips "I'll be home soon."

I nodded "Be careful Johnny.."

John quickly pulled me into a deep kiss only pulling away at the sound of a knock at the door "I love you Ella Claire Shelby.."

I pushed him away "Go before Arthur wakes the children."

He gave me another quick kiss then left

I sighed deeply it was pointless to go back to bed so I started quietly cleaning until the children woke...once the children left with my sister-in-law I got a lot of cleaning done...it was now getting into the late afternoon and my nerves were getting the better of me no texts or anything from any of the boys...after taking a long bath I dressed in the lingerie John wanted I put my robe on making some tea as I watched a movie anything to keep my mind off the thought of my husband, brothers, and brother-in-laws laying dead somewhere...now lost in the movie I jumped when the door opened and John walked in "John."

John quickly made his way to me "Is it true?"

I raised an eyebrow "Is what true?"

He sighed "You're pregnant?"

I nodded "7 weeks...I found out a few days ago with all this going on I wanted your mind on coming home alive not on me...Tommy told you."

John nodded "Said you told him to make sure he fought to come back...he told me so I could tell you he's alive he's off handling something wouldn't tell me what it was I think it has something to do with that Grace lass she was there."

I nodded "I should of told you."

He shook his head "I'm not mad love far from it I understand why you did it this way we all came back alive James and Will are home with their wives and kids...Arthur is off who knows where...I'm here with my gorgeous pregnant wife.."

I sighed softly "I was so scared John."

John gently took my face in his hands "Love I'm here we're all okay Tommy is a little beat up but we're okay..and we're having another baby.."

I nodded "Its over?"

He nodded "With Campbell yes hopefully hes gone back to where ever the bloody hell he's from and stays put."

I nodded "I hope so..."

John slowly moved his hands down my robe "You have it on?"

I nodded "Mmmhmm."

He quickly picked me up carrying me upstairs to our room...he sat me down at the foot of our bed quickly tossing off his suit jacket and vest his hands untying my robe letting his slide off my shoulders "All I could think about all the way home was how everything made since your quietness over the past few days how you acted the morning I knew you knew I knew he told you but it didn't register you were pregnant I feel like a shit husband not noticing it."

I gently took his face in my hands "No...its not like I've known for weeks babe the day I told Tommy I had found out that morning I didn't plan to tell anyone until you got home from Epsom.."

John nodded slightly "4 kids baby we're about to have 4 kids."

I smiled brushing my thumb lightly across his lips "I'm more than okay with that.."

He pulled me flush against his chest "I'm spending all night making love to my wife."

I melted under his touch as my lips met his I had hope this was over but I knew when it came to this family it was never over

To be continued

Peaky Blinders One Shots and Mini Stories Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora