November 1st, 2017 (pt. 1)

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There were no notes written today.

Yoongi's mind was frazzled. He was so afraid of Irene leaving him, but he wanted to be there for her.

He'd think, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna meet her.

But so many negative thoughts and outcomes would cloud what little nerve he had.

What if she doesn't like me?

What if she stops leaving me notes?

What if I'm alone again?

He needed to stop, or he'd never pluck up the courage to talk to her.

But that was the problem.

Social anxiety shadowed his sweet personality and he couldn't find it in him to really talk to someone.

To really get to know anyone.

On the other hand, Irene couldn't keep still. Her leg jumped up and down silently, her nails annoyingly tapping an inconsistent beat on the wooden desk.

She itched to leave this class. All she wanted to do was meet mystery.

Her mystery.

Finally, the end of the day came, and Irene bolted out of her last class. It was as if her life depended on this meeting.

And in some ways, it truly did.

As she rounded the corner of the gym, her eyes met only the concrete, the untamed bushes, and the slightly yellow grass.

Her heart sank a little, but she took a deep breath before resting against the wall.

Give him time.

Her exit was completely opposite of Yoongi's. His gait was slow, hands stuffed in the pockets of his dark jeans.

The small sounds of his Vans tapping on the linoleum floors echoed through the silent halls.

It was as if there were hundreds of butterflies fluttering in his stomach. He almost felt sick, but he kept his head low and took a deep breath before exiting through the school's back doors.

This was it.

This was when he'd meet Cho Irene.

The girl who he'd crushed on for the whole year.

The girl who's pretty brown hair and unnatural hazel eyes caught his attention.

The girl who left him notes.

The girl who's stayed for two months.

His palms were clammy as he rounded the corner, and he stopped short when he saw her.

The girl's uniforms weren't that great, but she made them look like they were.

She was leaned against the wall, her eyes trained on the cloudy blue sky above.

He hesitated before he let out a small, "hey."

NotesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora