October 24th, 2017

40 6 0

Yoongi's scrawls were barely legible as his bruised body shook.


Irene, he found out.

He knows that I know.

He came home last night and he knows I saw him come home.

And he came to my room.

And he hurt me.

Over and over.

I barely managed to leave the house this morning.

He was so close to beating me again.

Irene, I don't want to go home.

I'm so damn scared.

I'm scared that he'll do worse.

Irene's eyes widened as she read the messy note.


How the fuck am I supposed to get this to you before school ends?

If you know what's best for you, don't go home.

I'm worried out of my damn mind.

Please, don't go home.


I can't lose you.

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