November 10th, 2017

32 3 0


Dammit Ire, where in the hell are you?

Why can't I find it in my heart to be angry with you?

Why can't I have happiness?

Irene let out a shaky breath, standing in front of the shady building. One she hadn't been in for over a year.

Plucking up her courage, she took the metal handle in her hand and pulled, feeling a rush of air gently blow across her face.

As she stepped in, she heard a gasp, "Ire, what are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry. Jaebum contacted me and I really have no choice. As for you Seokjin, why haven't you left this horrid place?" She asked, concern lacing her tone.

He laughed emotionlessly, "I'm stuck here too. It's not easy to leave when you work under a guy like Jaebum. He'll find you, no matter what."

Irene couldn't agree more.

"Jinnie, is Joon still here?" Irene asked, looking around. This question seemed to strike a nerve, sending him into a frozen state.

"Jinnie?" She asked carefully, watching different emotions flash through her old friend's eyes.

"Ire, he.. he got done away with months ago." He stuttered out, his eyes clamping shut in an attempt to keep the dam of tears within.

Her chest began to hurt, "you mean they.. they—?"

He could only nod, his head hanging low. Irene knew the type relationship they had, and it was one of which could never be replicated. They were not only intertwined at the heart, but within their very souls.

"I'm so sorry Jin. I know how much he meant to you." She simpered, pulling him into her arms.

He suddenly let out a choked sob, making her heart clench. She could feel the pain radiating off of the man in front of her, wave after wave, crashing and roiling as they hit the shore of reality.

Then a voice broke the healing silence, "Good to have you back Irene. Now come with me. We have much to discuss."

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