November 13th, 2017 (pt. 2)

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"Why the hell do you want me to go to Seoul? I have my family, friends, and school here." Jungkook asked, furrowing his brows.

"Listen here Jeon, to make this short and sweet, I work for an organization that assassinates people for a price. Specifically, a certain someone they want dead, and my boss has sent me, under Min Jun's orders, to lead you to that little alley near that bar and end your life." Irene snapped, tired of the boy's attitude.

Clearly, a life of wealth has made him a bit of a snob. "Well then why haven't you?" He retorted.

"Because I don't want to! Because too many people have died because of me! I'm tired of putting families through pain because of corrupt people. And... I want revenge..." she trailed off, staring the boy in the eyes.

He faltered, "revenge?"

"Jin here will tell you if you go with him. It's the only way to keep you safe. I'll inform your family of your leave. Just stay safe. You didn't deserve that fate." She muttered, turning away.

"I-I— Okay. I'll go. Just, make sure my family knows and.. keep them safe too." He said pleadingly, his demeanor changing.

"I will. You guys go now. I gave Jin the address to my house and some money for your train fares. Go. And hurry."

"Ire.. I'm going to miss you." Jin choked out sadly, pulling the girl into a hug.

"Don't worry Jinnie. I'll try my hardest to come back to you." She replied quietly.

"And if you meet a guy named Min Yoongi, tell him to keep his ass in Seoul." Irene popped out bitterly.

He gave her a questioning glance, but nodded nonetheless.

"Be safe." Was all he said before pecking her on the forehead and leaving the scene. She watched the two guy's retreating forms until the dark alleys swallowed them whole.

"You too." She whispered.

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