November 13th, 2017 (pt. 1)

30 1 0


Stay safe.
Not delivered

I'm coming.
Not delivered

She roamed the streets of Busan as fatigue weighed on her body. She had gotten little sleep the night before, seeing as how she had nowhere to stay.

Her stomach growled, but she ignored it. She was used to being hungry.

She checked her phone, sighing as she saw the red bar at the top showing 12% next to it.

5:30 pm. Almost time to meet Jin.

She trekked her way through back alleys as she made her way to the local bar, the decrepit buildings giving her a sense of unease.

Finally, she emerged onto the street, seeing a bright sign that read Sung Min's Bar.

Irene pulled her hood up, shadowing her face before walking in. She sighed in relief as she saw a familiar head of tousled brown locks, sitting before the bar.

She slowly approached him from behind.

"Jin." She called quietly, causing the man to spin on his barstool.

"Ire, we have to be quick. We don't know who's listening." He said in a hushed whisper.

"My target, Jeon Jungkook is supposed to be here around 6:30. I was supposed to lead him to the back alley around here, but I want you to take him with you to Seoul."

His eyes widened, "Why Seoul?"

"That's where I live now. I'll give you my address. Go there and take him with you."

"What if he refuses? What about you?" He questioned.

"I'll explain the situation before I leave. And I have to stay here... Just know we probably won't see each other for a while." She nibbled at her lip.

"Are you sure about this Irene? I can't just leave you here. You're.. you're the only... family I have left." He mumbled, putting a hand over mine.

"Yes. I don't want anyone else getting hurt because of me. I'd rather die." She muttered. "Jinnie, If I don't make it back, just know that I've appreciated the friendship we've had. I love you as a brother, as family, and I'm sorry that you've been through so much. I just want you to be able to live. I shouldn't have left you that night. I'm sorry." Her eyes brimmed with tears, she pulled him into a quick hug.

"Let's go. He'll be here so—"

"Is that him?" Jin asked, pointing to a tall boy with ebony doe eyes and chestnut hair, who'd just walked in.

"Yeah." I responded quickly, "C'mon."

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