October 26th, 2017 (pt. 2)

35 5 1

The class stopped as they heard Cho Irene hit the floor.

Her quick breaths echoed through the silent room before a boy took action.

His brown eyes showed worry as his tall figure rushed to her side. They didn't know each other, but he hated seeing anyone hurt.

Everyone, including the teacher, crowded around the two, watching as he put her head into his lap.

His slender fingers intertwined with hers as he rubbed circles into the back of her hand.

His other hand ran through her soft brown hair, trying to comfort the girl.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here." He said softly. His messy, ash gray hair partially covered his eyes as he looked down.

"Breathe, it'll be over soon." He cooed. His soft, boxy grin caught her wide eyes and his soothing touch seemed to help her breathe a little easier.

She tried to regain a somewhat normal breathing pattern, staring up at the stranger. Then her eyes darted around, and she lost what little control she had.

All the scrutiny only added to her anxiety.

"Can everyone give us some space? All the attention might be making it worse." He asked quietly.

The teacher began to usher the kids back into their seats, though most still kept their eyes trained on the panic stricken girl.

The boy put his attention back to Irene, whispering comforting things and continuing his hand motions.

After about fifteen more minutes, her breathing had become nearly stable and her vision was no longer blurry.

Now that she could see clearly, she could also study her savior's face.

He had soft, almond shaped eyes, lined with the smallest amount of eyeliner and a prominent nose marked by a small mole on the bottom left.

His red tinted lips were pulled into a cute boxy smile as he continued to look at her.

"T-thank you....?" She choked out, her throat dry.

"Taehyung. Kim Taehyung."

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