November 15th, 2017

28 2 0

It was early in the morning.

The birds were singing and the sun was just starting to peek over the horizon, bathing her in an orange glow as she made her way to Joon's house.

The happy waking of morning seemed to mock Irene. It hurt that she was going to Namjoon's when he wouldn't be there, open arms and cute dimples.

He was like a brother to her, much like Jin, always watching out for her, back when she'd been stuck here in Busan to pay off her parents debt.

And now she was back. But there was no Namjoon.

It almost felt foreign. The weight of his absence just now beginning to take a toll. She fought back the urge to fall to her knees and sob.

Why must all the good people in the world take the fall?

A familiar, paint-chipped door made its way to her view and she inhaled deeply before turning the knob.

It clicked as she let herself in, taking in the once blue painted room, now faded to a light cadet. The furniture held a thick layer of dust atop it, making her spirits dampen further.

Without him living here, the joyful little house had turned sad.

Her tired form made it's way to his bedroom, sighing before setting her stuff down and laying herself upon the still unmade bed, the brown sheets wrinkled from the last time he'd slept here.

The very last.

Her eyes closed as sleep slowly found her, and she found herself uttering one last thing before black over took her vision.

"I miss you Joonie."

NotesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon