Start from the beginning

I saw something portal like with water falls and so many water bottled stands, it felt like heaven to enter that place, its like something I should do since I am parched. The portal was quite convincing, quite promising. I knew how going through one felt, yes but it felt like I couldn't care less about how it felt and I finally gave execptions. 'I can take it' I thought, 'cause Im gonna be able to quench my thirst anyways so I mean like why not?

As I approached I felt more and more thirsty. My throat was parched like never before and I couldn't resist drinking for a minute. I wasn't really thinking about what I was doing 'cause my mind was focused on what I wanted : water.

As I moved closer to the portal it grew bigger and bigger and I really could feel that it was pulling me inside.


It completely ate me or whatsoever then it closed.

The sunny, bright, and full of water place vanished, what I see now is just complete darkness. My thirst vanished and so did the portal to the outside world.

I could feel myself trembling. It felt so cold in here, almost like i was in a freezer, but more like Im in a morge. It smelt like old pillows and dirt. Where I was standing wasn't completely visible. I couldn't feel any walls, any branches, anything at all.

"Can anyone explain why the fuck I'm in here?!" I shouted, although I couldn't see anything, I was at least hoping to be with someone. But my voice just echoed and echoed along this dark place mainly responding the message, which is that I'm alone and that I'm trapped. Why is it that I always fall for traps? Ever since.

I slided my back on the wall and sat down, it's not that I didn't have hope anymore, but it's that i feel like I've done and made so much stupidity already since I've gone here and Trystann just keeps rescueing me over and over again like Im a yoyo.

I hate feeling useless, I hate being carried around, I hate it when someone pities me.

"I wanna go back to my old life"

Some part of my brain stated. I felt so confused, everything, everything is just so unbelievable and so weird and so random that I don't know where to put myself. They say I belong here. But why doesn't my soul feel the same?

I admit that yes, Ive always used to drop by the public library and just finish maybe one or two books a day. And yes, I did used to wish to be different, I did used to wish to have powers, I did used to want to be somewhere else, but now that I've got everything, I feel like Im nothing.

I know Ill be alright, but maybe just not tonight

Trystann, of course, I always had Trystann. He's the only thing thats stayed, the only one that kept me. His smile is my favorite, against anyone, it just loooked so wonderful, so sparkly, it was like the sea and the heavens would battle and the sea would always win. Hes like the space between breaths.

I loved it how he'd pick me up and bring me to his place to decide what he would wear, cause he did have a bad taste for clothing. I loved it how he had deep blue watery ocean eyes, he had eyelashes longer than anyone had, a nose not so fine, and lips wide and plump. He always had this neutral undertone that matched with his tiny moles. He had it everywhere, his arms, his back, his face, they were everything. I remember when he used to always had his hair curved a bit down, but then he changed it, it went up with just a little bit wax which I was allergic to so mostly I couldn't touch his hair.

I remember when he used to wear dark pieces of hoodies, they smelt nice, they smelt amazing. His pants were always skinny, and I remember how he always teased that he had better legs than me, it was weird, but so was he, and thats what I liked in him.
He had nice shoulders, which was weird cause he always said that I had a thing for shoulders, I don't know they're just cute, hard but also soft.

I found myself laughing in the darkness.

"Will I even get out of here?" I asked myself. Some random noise came in, it was so loud so weird, I don't know why but it sounded like slime ripping apart or like spaghetti being rolled. The sound vibrated onto the walls I was leaning on, I could feel the movements. It became louder and louder. I saw a shadow, no, not a shadow, but a small pitch of light. I scrambled to my feet, the walls were being pulled apart, but with what? Little by little I could see more and more of the outside, "Im finally getting out" I thought.

The walls were more and more being torn apart. I tried to peek out, someone, someone was staring so focused on the walls, someone I couldn't see because the light was blinding my eyes, he was ripping the walls apart with his mind. But, how?


My mind replied. So thats how it worked I thought. At some time, the walls were completely ripped apart from each other, they were wide open. And on the other side or the world stood a guy. He was tan, tall, and serious. He looked like someone I wouldn't want to approach. He just stood there with his white shirt and loose pants.

I reached out of the walls, he grabbed my hands and slowly pulled me out, he still looked focused and determined to get me out, but gently. His grasp at my arm was soft, he had really cold palms yet very tender. Slowly I stepped right out of the dark place and he catched me right out of it, tightly gripping me in his arms.

I didn't know how to respond to what just happened, so I was thirsty and I was eaten alive by a portal and this guy I have completely no idea who is, is saving me. I wanted to thank him or maybe give him a hug, I was terrified, yet he looked like he didn't need my gratefulness. I was still being embraced by him, I looked up at him and I pushed my glasses up with my right hand. The stared at me so empty.

Then he slowly let go of me. My soles felt the ground again. I turned to him wanting to say thank you but then a gush of wind came from behind me, I turned around and there he was again, closing the walls with his mind, slowly and gently.

The way he looked at me was disappointed, he looked at me like he expected I was someone else, but now that he knew I was just some random person, he didn't mind me.

"Karen!" a voice shouted from behind.

It was Trystann, I mean Astra, which ever. He was running to me. He came in with a hug so I hugged back, he was so warm. "I thought you weren't okay" he whispered.

"Well she is okay now" the guy replied. I finally heard his voice. It was deep, manly. His voice was different, completely different than Trystann's. His eyebrows looked furious. He slightly tilted his head, still staring at Trystann.

Trystann's hug slowly loosened. "Thank you for that Oceanus," he answered and reached out his hand to the other guy which was called Oceanus. But Oceanus just continued to stare back at Trystann not minding to shake his hand at all like he didn't even care.

He shook his head and ticked his tounge, "will you ever learn?" he asked Trystann, for a moment I thought everything was good, the girl was found and saved thats it lets go home, but it wasn't like that at all. I could admit that he was insulting Trystann and that now I feel conscience about the stupidity I just did. Trystann did somehow lost interest in shaking his hand and took it back, he did look insulted. I have no idea what is going on.

"Yeah, okay. You saved her, wow, you're amazing, you came in time, earlier than me, that's marvellous, thank you for that. What else are you dying to hear Oceanus?" He asked.

Things were getting tense. Oceanus looked so affected, triggered may be the word. I look a step back, I didnt know what else there was to do but I was praying for this to end. The way Oceanus looked was nothing to kid about. 

"Next time take care of your girl, we don't need anymore Keanna's." he replied and snapped, then he vanished into thin air.

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