• C H A P T E R 13 | WHAT AM I REALLY? •

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A/N: I dedicate this chapter to Abbiji Masangkay. Happiest birthday you Liza Koshy lover.

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Karen's perspective.

Ever felt as if silence just engulfed you like flames and you just submitted yourself to the fire? As if you thought that not giving up would make something happen but nothing happened anyway. Like your expectations were too high and now you're just swarming through the river of reality.

I never lost hope, but it seemed as if I was hopeless. I didn't know how to feel, I just collapsed into the ruins once more, and I did let myself fall because it felt so familiar, the pain was too. I guess I'm just used to it. And I was okay with it because I knew that anything else would be too foreign or painful.

My eyes opened in a crack. I felt blood rushing once again through my veins, and my pulse was once again normal and so was my breathing.

I jerked when I wanted to stand up, cause I just felt pain again, everything hurts, my neck, my back, my anxiety attack.

My eyes roamed around the place, the ceiling was tall, like 40 feet tall, it was painted with images of women in their daily lives from poor to sufficient, it looked amazing as if it was the Sistine Chapel by Michael Angelo. The walls were painted with gold and red hologram colors as if they shine and change when your sight is coming from somewhere else. There were a lot of books, thousands of them, arranged by color on seven tall bookshelves, the floor was still orange looking and as if it was gas. I was resting near a window, on a white mattress.

I closed my eyes again, just to endure the pain a little bit more and remember what just happened. Just a little bit more, until I heard footsteps approaching me.

I opened my eyes and I saw a man smiling at me, he was wearing a white full body suit with a black cloth wrapped around him looking nice, he continued to approach with his smile. He looked old as if he's in his fifties, he had white hair and a white beard.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me. He sat down beside the bed I was on.

I didn't know what to say, I didn't want to answer him, I didn't want to say anything at all. What response does he expect? Oh yeah, I'm feeling good I just got sucked in by your mirror, tugged by slimy roots which stopped the circulation of my blood, enclosed by a glass which made it hard for me to breath, and drowned me with water! I don't suppose the truth sounds good right now.

I didn't want to talk nor say anything, but my thoughts clearly do, they had a lot of questions to ask.

"You do know that you have to communicate right?" He told me. I looked at him motionless, making no other expression but the I-don't-give-a-fuck-face. Should I punch this guy in the face of just trying to get better and leave earlier?

"She's tired" A voice replied to him. I didn't care who it was, 'cause for I know, it doesn't matter anymore. The old guy turned his head and looked surprised.

"Astra!" He responded. "I didn't know you were here!" he continued. Ugh is this gonna be a long conversation 'cause I'm trynna rest guys.

"I just got here" The other guy responded, I closed my eyes and tried to get back to sleep. "How are things going with her?" he continued. I suppose they really do care about me but you guys are getting rid of that mirror.

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