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A/N: I dedicate this chapter to Alex, my Rian. I love you.

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Karen's perspective


Ughhh! So. Early. Phone. Calls!

"Albino, you there?" A voice said. At first, I didn't really know who it was but by saying the word 'Albino' I kinda figured out it was Rian, my best friend.

"Yea, and stop calling me Albino," I replied. I'm multitasking right now like talking on the phone, eating cereals, and reading a new book, so my replies to her may be confusing.

"You'll get the hang of it," she said. Still teasing me, but I told her that I don't really refer the name tag albino as an irritating or an offensive one cause albinos are unique.

"So did you plan for my life again?" I asked her. It's usual, she's gonna call and ruin my schedule for movie nights or stress eating or sleepovers, the things I still find a bit fun when I'm with her. Even though were seventeen years old.

You may ask yourself like how can you be an architect and a founder of an architecture building if you're only seventeen? I was accelerated, in elementary, and one in high school.

"Yes, and in fact, I've ruined your whole schedule! I'll be meeting you at nine at Artimetryletic, tenth floor, with pizza" She said.

"Okayy. You have to be sure that the pizza is pepperoni!" I reminded while preparing myself for a shower.

"Yeah but we'll get two boxes of pepperoni and another two boxes of all meat," She said. This is always the part where we argue about it so we just decided to get four boxes of pizza.

"I missed you!" I told her. In fact, I really did, not just her but everything I used to do with her, food, sleep, talks, everything.

"I missed you too but I'm not eating even a slice of pepperoni pizza," she said.

"Oh come on! It tastes good I swear! " I told her again.

"And so does all meat! By the way, I have to go."She said.

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I'm at work right now which was totally useless because a little bit more Rian would be here and I'll have to go.

I ran my fingers at the telephone, I looked for Laura's phone number. I dialed it and said, "Laura I need you at my office, in seconds".

This thing we call 'telephone' is hard to use. I wish there was something invented that would have all the names of the people who enter the building and when I press the button they'll get a notification that I'm summoning then to my office.

If there was something like that it would probably be called a mereuleitic, wait where did that come from?

I forgot to tell you, I had the habit of making things convenient than giving it an unusual name.

For example, last week I sat in my shower and I complained because I had the perspective of it being hard adjusting the heat every single time I use it. So, I thought of a shower which matches with your body temperature and lets you soak in without burning your skin or freezing yourself.

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