Chapter 12. Onward

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Kira and me went the same way as we came here back to the hole and Taranis with Kerim threw us a rope. We climbed up to the first floor again and went to the exit the way we came here.

As we were passing the gate Kerim asked.

- "What will we do with the map?"

We stopped and I pulled it out from the backpack.

- "We can hang it above the gate and carve "The map" above it." I said.

- "Yea like tourists pass by here a lot they could use it right?" whispered Taranis.

- "No we can't leave it here someone might actually try to go in and he would got killed." said Kira.

- "Okay so we keep it." said Kerim.

I put it back to the backpack and we left the labyrinth.

Now our plan was to get away from this cold as soon as possible. We planned to go to the Gistor kingdom which is to the east. But from here it was long way through ice and snow. We would reach another green land in like a month and so we decided to go south and buy horses.

We could get to the nearest town in a week. Of course we would not go to Yurik just in case they were looking for us. We decided to go to Stad it was six days of travel to the south east and it was already in a warmer area.

Not that some area above from Alhir was somewhat specially warm but it was still better than these minus I don't even know how many degrees.

We headed out and again covered our heads so the ice and snow didn't fall behind our necks. Yes, it was almost useless because of a strong wind that blew snow under the hood, but whatever they won't get us that easily.

The wind was rising and the snow was falling in our faces. We were trying to go faster to run from the snow storm which was about to hit us soon. But we didn't manage to get far enough. By the noon it was all around us and we couldn't go further. We decided to barricade ourselves as before. We put down our backpacks and started digging.

While me, Kira and Taranis were digging Kerim prepared the fireplace. He dug a small hole in the snow and put some wood in it. The wood inside the hole was shielded well from the wind and so Kerim took a deep breath so he could breath some fire on the wood.

Suddenly he noticed something in the falling snow. He took a look at the place again and exhaled without letting the fire out.

Kira noticed that he is looking somewhere.

- "What's up Kerim." she asked.

- "I don't know if there is something up. I just think I saw something over there." he replied and pointed to the empty space in front of him.

There was nothing to see there. The snowstorm was creating white screen everywhere. Snow was falling and strong wind was blowing it all around. As Kerim pointed with his hand on the empty space we heard a whistling sound.

Suddenly a small dagger like object flew around Kerim's arm and back from where it flew cutting Kerim on his forearm.

It happened so fast that Kerim didn't even manage to react. We turned back and pulled our weapons. We heard that whistling sound again and the dagger like object flew in again.

This time it headed straight for Kira's leg and it stabbed her thigh. The dagger like thing looked like letter "S". It was two sided throwing dagger with no handle and really thin string on it.

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