Chapter 15. Visiting the archives

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At the dawn we got up and packed up our tents. We ate and headed out. Kerim was okay but he rather rode very carefully. By the noon we got to Roknul. Big city, even for Gistor standards. They like to have everything huge and strong. But they are not much of an artists. If it works and it is big and solid it is fine.

And that is exactly how Roknul looks like. It is huge and solid. It has big, thick walls, and I think I've never seen a city with so many guards on the streets.

Buildings were made from stone and windows were small. Sun was probably shining at this place only because it had to and it was anyway hiding behind clouds.

Citizens were walking by minding their own business, occasionally someone glared at us, probably because we were foreigners.

We tried not to stare back and simply get to the nearest tavern so we could get some information. Tavern was also made of stone. It was a stinky place. You could smell a lot of alcohol and tobacco and other smells created by guests.

We sat near the window so the stench was more tolerable. Well sat. We were almost squatting since chairs here were smaller then norm sets. Probably the winter was bad and owner decided to put chair legs in fire.

In a few moments waitress came to us. It was classic Gistor dragoness. Robust with no wings. Yes Gistors are the only dragon race that doesn't have wings. If some of them actually has them he or she is very valued and admired.

Gistors are tough and not cunning. Usually of darker shades of colors. Thick scales and huge fire lungs. As we also could see. Waitress had such big breast that we could not let it unnoticed.

Kira saw we were having manly issue to start talking and so she asked flattered waitress.

- "So, we would like to order something to drink."

We were still staring and so she said loudly.

- "Right boys?"

- "Eh. Yea what else do you have?" said Taranis.

- "Anything you would think of." she said.

- "We are also looking for some information." I said so we did not piss off Kira.

- "Hmm what sort of information?"

- "Something about prisons." whispered Kira.

In that very moment every person in the tavern turned on the chair and looked at us. Waitress took a deep breath and said.

- "Was nice to meet you boys." and she left.

A group in the back of a tavern stood up and when other people in the tavern noticed incoming troubles they got up and left. Waitress and even bartender closed themselves in the kitchen and I think I heard them lock the doors.

The group moved toward to us and they stopped only at our table. It were three dragons, one tall and one very short man, dragoness and woman.

I checked with the others if we are ready to handle them if they attack and they all nodded.

Robust black dragon probably their leader asked.

- "What are you nodding about?"

- "If I am suppose to ask you what do you want or no. They said yes. So, what do you want?" I asked.

- "We have noticed you are looking for the information about the prisons. Usually when people do this they are planing to free some prisoners or they do something else equally stupid." he said and put another chair to the table sitting on it.

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