Chapter 17. A problem

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It was a late evening.

Fardota and Gordul were silent for a couple of days.

Lord Harald and his riders were guarding surroundings of the fortresses. Roswadors prepared well for future siege. They knew that news about their victory would spread fast. It was almost three months since they made Gistors and Norvagits retreat but they knew they will not give up. Roswadors expected enemy reinforcements to arrive very soon.

Wizzy sat on the top of Fardotas headquarters and played with a straw of grass. He used its own energy to regrow it on its other end.

- "Funny. This is the only thing I don't understand about this magic." he thought for himself. - "No matter how much energy I use from it to reproduce it, it will always stay the same size. As if it wasn't even loosing energy. Is it because it uses its own energy on itself? Why is it so?" he kept thinking.

Suddenly he heard as trapdoor behind him opened. It was a servant.

- "What do you need boy?" he asked.

- "I brought you your supper sir." he replied and got up with a plate of meat.

Wizzy smiled. It was scary smile since he looks like a monster when he shows all his teeth in otherwise harmless smile.

- "Thank you."

The boy was a bit scared because he was still smiling but Wizzy noticed it and hid his teeth.

Boy put the plate on the floor and pressed it to him. Wizzy smiled again showing his teeth and the boy quickly ran downstairs.

Wizzy took the plate.

- "Oh boy. You know why you're afraid, not me." he whispered for himself and bit of a first piece of meat.

- "What can I help you with?" he asked.

- "I just came up here. Didn't know you are here." said the voice behind him.

- "Okay. Make yourself comfortable."

The person came to the edge of the roof.

Wizzy noticed him and he found out it was the captain of the Ranbor's guard.

He knew about his quarrels with us and so he asked him.

- "Ah you are that guy who is captaining Ranbor's guard right?"

He slightly turned his look back and said.

- "Yes. What about it?"

- "I have heard you had some problem with a few members of your militia back in town. What was it about?"

This time he turned straight at Wizzy and he had a suspicious look at his face.

- "Who are you? How could you tell if I had quarrels with my soldiers?"

- "Well technically they are not your soldiers. They are militia you are just the person who can give them orders." he said. But shortly after he realized he misspoke.

- "Wait a second. That is what that damn Jack says all the time to all the militia fighters! You must be that Wizzy I heard about when they spoke with themselves. Are you responsible for them?!" he asked really angry.

- "I am not responsible for them. We are friends." he tried to defend himself.

- "Yea sure. Those idiots caused so much damage I am sure they should be declared outlaws. But no, they saved the day once and they are considered heroes. Fuck them! And they even deserted the battle here! But I can't accuse them because lord Harald will stand on their side for calling him into the battle! And I have no word against lord who saved Fardota and Gordul! I am telling you if you are going in that scheme with them I will see to your imprisonment along with theirs and you can rot in the same cell!"

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