Chapter 25. Trees * X

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If I'd ever say that I love Swergid kingdom because of its weather, slap me. It is horrible! There is literally no air moving between these trees. And they are everywhere!

You look left. Trees.

You look right. Trees.

You look up. Fucking trees!

This place is so hot at day you can't wear clothes. And it is so cold at night that I could compare it to Norvagit snowy winter. Not to mention all the damn bugs that are everywhere.

I hate bugs!

But complaints aside it was really not good for us. Taranis was sweaty all day and he couldn't breath. We made a huge fans to wave some air at him.

And we had to put clothes on him at night or he would freeze to death. Simply said it were the three hardest weeks we had in a long time.

After that he was finally fit enough to survive on his own. We got behind the Yulog river and we were already moving south towards the coast.

Anyway the way was long and the road was not build at all passages. We even got lost once. But thanks to the river we found our way again. We would sail by the river but the landscape takes big vertical change near the coast. The river continues in thirty meters deep canyon and we would have to climb even higher cliff in order to get to Giant's castle from the sea side.

We simply suffered through this and got to the coast. This four weeks long journey from Yulog here was enough for me and Taranis to heal. We even spotted the castle when I lost climbing competition to Taranis. Who was of course cheating but whatever.

We expected to arrive today and so we started making up a plan while walking the road to the castle.

- "Alright. So we know the Giant has the keys. How will we get them?" I asked to make others think as well about it.

- "No idea." said Kira.

- "Exactly." confirmed Taranis.

- "Are you serious? You are not even going to try to help me to figure it out?" I asked angrily.

- "We don't know what is it like there we can't figure out the plan." said Kerim.

- "It is a castle. What would you expect?" asked Arnos surprised.

We looked at him and Kerim said.

- "Okay let's come up with the worst scenario so we are ready if it comes to that."

- "Death. Start preparing yourself." I said.

- "Ha ha." mockingly laughed Kerim.

- "Yea sure. Now seriously please. Start thinking. What could we do." said Arnos.

- "Kira what do you think?" I asked.

- "I don't know. Maybe we could sneak up on him at night when he sleeps. Or we could simply ask him to hand them over and promise we will return them later."

- "I don't think he would hand them over." said Kerim.

- "What about you Taranis?" asked Arnos.

- "Eh. What?" asked Taranis. - "Sorry I was looking at these kiosks. What are they doing here?"

We have only now noticed a long line of kiosks that dragged alongside the road. There were wares in them but no people.

We stopped because it was really strange.

- "What is this supposed to mean?"

- "It looks as if they held some event in the castle."

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