Chapter 22. Shopping spree

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We were sitting for a while on the top of the tree. We saw how Skertina got up from the rubble she created when she fell through the roof. She was clearly angry that we escaped and she cut apart anything that was in her poleblade's range.

She ran out of the house and then it seemed as if she heard something because she quickly turned to a side and then ran that way.

Kira flew with me down to the platform and we walked the way down to the housing section. The town alarm was sounding in the air and it was obvious that city guards will be here in no time. We got to the crossroads between the platforms and we met Taranis, Kerim and Arnos heading up the connecting bridge.

When they saw us Taranis asked.

- "Jack what the hell?"

- "What were you doing?" asked Kerim.

- "Skertina fancied to take a bite of me." I said and showed them damaged bracer and also my sewed up heel.

- "How could she bit through that?" asked Arnos surprised. "What kind of monster is she?"

- "She has teeth like razors and biting power of a bear. That is how." I said.

- "Okay you can get excited about her later. We must move guards will be here any second." said Kira.

And she was right. We already heard guards running on the upper platform and so we quickly jumped off the bridge, landing on the platform below.

In a meantime Rodon gathered his remaining men at the square. He was counting them and was not happy with the numbers. Then another three thugs came in and from the other side came Hrand with Skertina.

She was hiding under the cloak but it was still visible that she is not a normal looking person.

- "Where were you so long? We were about to head out." he yelled at coming thugs.

- "Sorry boss. We tried our best. But look what I stole from them. It seems it could be golden." said one of the bandits and gave the keys to Rodon.

Rodon opened his eyes wide. His men actually got two keys from us and they brought them to him. He immediately took them and hid them in his backpack.

- "Good job. When we get to Huffis I will buy you a round." said Rodon to somehow cover up that he didn't give them any compensation for keys.

- "Will you try to sell it boss?"

- "No. These are important for out mission. But I will pay you some extra if you will make it to the end. And what did held you up?" he said and turned at Hrand and Skertina.

- "We had to get the cloak." said Hrand and rolled his eyes.

- "Shut up! We go now?" hissed Skertina.

- "Yes. We're heading out." said Rodon and lead his band to the edge of the town.

We had to get out of the city as soon as possible. If anyone would mention us being involved in the fight we could end up in jail for a long time. Since the city was built in the trees we kept jumping lower and lower from platform to platform until we jumped on the bridge of a garbage recycling facility at very bottom of the town. Luckily for us there was no one near and so we got to the ended of this facility without being spotted.

There were some people in front of the facility and we heard them talking about the accident in upper platforms but they didn't mention anyone who could do it. After a few minutes we got to eastern edge of the city. We climbed down to the ground and went a bit aside to be sure we aren't in a direct line of sight.

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