Chapter 32. The crypt, the orb and the way out

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Galmos wasn't very far. We could see it from the shore and so we got there under an hour. It was late evening and so we decided to spend night in a near cave. It wasn't very big we could fit our sleeping bags there and that was all.

This whole island is not very big. It is so small we could walk to the other side of it within two hours. As far as we knew there are not even any animals here. It is just an island in the middle of nowhere. We made a campfire and I started cooking dinner. Everyone was silent. We sort of didn't know what to talk about since we had two more members who were trying to kill us recently.

Arnos climbed up to a near tree and sat there watching the ocean. Kerim and Taranis got the wood and Kira was building tents. Hrand, Fril and Skertina tried to help at least her.

After I was finished with a dinner and Taranis with Kerim have returned with new wood I called everyone to eat. Arnos probably haven't hear us because he was up on that tree so I asked Kerim to go for him.

Kerim loves climbing trees and so he was up there in no time.

- "Arnos we are going to eat. Come down." said Kerim.

Arnos wasn't responding. He was literally few pieces away from him.

- "Arnos." said Kerim and stood in his sight.

Arnos wasn't responding. He just sat there.

Suddenly his eyes turned wholly red as if they were burning and then he closed them. Kerim got scared and jumped off the tree. He managed to splay his wings and flew up to him grabbing his machetes.

Arnos scratched his eyelashes, stretched and grabbed his chest taking a deep breath. Then he opened his eyes. They were normal again.

- "Oh. What are you doing here?" he asked.

Kerim didn't know what to say. Arnos was still scratching his chest and Kerim was just there in mid air holding his machetes in their scabbards and had to say something.

- "I.. eh.. I came to call you to dinner."

- "Oh great I am starving." said Arnos and started climbing down the tree.

Kerim let go of his machetes and flew down to us. Arnos climbed down from a tree grabbing his knee as if it hurt him. He came to us and sat by the fire taking his plate.

- "Hmm this is delicious who cooked it?" suddenly said Hrand.

- "I did." I said.

- "Wow is really good. How come you cook so good even out in wild?" asked Skertina.

- "It is an old family recipe. We eat it often."

- "It is perfect." said Hrand.

- "He right." confirmed Skertina.

- "How long do you actually travel like this?"

- "Almost half a year. Or so." said Kerim

- "Yea I am so looking forward to get home." said Kira.

- "We all do."

- "And we weren't very helpful right?" asked Hrand ashamed.

- "Not too bothersome as well." I laughed.

- "Yea. I guess. And what is actually hidden in that crypt you are looking for? Gert told us you are about to enter some crypt."

We took a deep breath and Kira after all decided to explain it all to them. It took some time and we finished the rest of the dinner while she was explaining. After that we were about to go to sleep but Arnos wanted to go explore the island so we can go to the crypt right at the morning.

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