Chapter 31. I don't feel hot

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Gulgur is a huge volcano. Over the history it blew only once. And when it did the sky turned black above all continent if not further and was like that for over a decade.

This radical change to climate caused the Ice age on this planet. Many species have died and it took almost a century for it to pass.

Vexons are living inside of this volcano because it is warm there and they love warmness. They have very low body temperature and so they like to be near hot places. They also use this place as a chamber for their eggs. They don't need to guard them because they are in warmth and hatch on their own.

It is said that Vexons have a ruler. A vexon that no one ever saw. A queen that brings up most of the offsprings. Tunnels in the volcano were built by Vexons and they guard these places as well.

Right as we got close enough we saw a big tunnel and guards at its gates. Well, guards. It were two Vexons with big cleavers standing at the gate looking around.

We hid in the bushes and scouted the area from afar.

- "So what do we do now?" asked Kerim.

- "We can't just walk up to them and we can't attack as well. The distance is too long they could call for backup." said Taranis.

- "Hmm never saw Vexons acting like this. I imagined they just smash and crush everything. But they are actually guarding this place. This will be serious problem." said Kira.

- "All we can do is to lure them here. If they will come closer we have a chance." I said and pulled out a whistle.

I whistled loudly so they could hear it.

Vexons immediately jumped out from their places and started chaotically run from a side to a side grunting and roaring.

One of them got close enough and so I whistle again.

He noticed where the sound comes from and roared loudly at the other one. They both ran in our direction. Kerim and Kira leaned out from behind the bushes and shot them both down.

We quickly ran out from our hiding spot and sprinted to the entrance. It seemed that no other Vexons are on the way to help them, but we had to be sure.

- "Okay we don't know how it looks in there, stick together. Arnos and Kerim you will guard our backs. Let's go." I said and we formed a circle.

Me and Tarains pulled out our crossbows as well and we headed out. Tunnels were dark, but there were torches hanging on the walls so we saw well enough to be safe.

As we proceeded down in the tunnel it grew larger. In a few minutes it was as big as a three-storey house. I am sure that even giant would have fit in here if he was on his four.

It was quiet in here.

We literally could hear volcano bubbling through the walls and the temperature rose every few meters.

We got to the end of an entering tunnel and found ourselves in a big chamber. There were footprints all around the place. Huge weapons were hanging from the walls and small ones were stored on the piles.

- "Are we seriously in their armory?" asked Kira.

- "It seems so." said Arnos surprised.

- "Do you see the size of those cleavers?" asked Kerim pointing at the wall.

- "They are huge. How big have those Vexons grown? That cleaver is bigger than any I have ever seen. And there is more of them." said Taranis pointing on other walls.

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